Committee Members Present: Weise, Ashford, Cassity, Sprecher and Lehman.
Others Present: Lance Gurney, Mary White, Lowell Haugen, Ted Brenson, Matt Filus, Dave Tremble
Chairman Weise called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Mr. Ted Brenson requested that the Committee take #8 ahead of item #6 due to other scheduling conflicts. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford to adopt the agenda with the requested change. Motion carried.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to adopt the minutes of the June 24, 2003 meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney had been contacted by the Public and Environmental Health Committee regarding airport zoning restrictions at the Tri-County Airport near Spring Green. Mr. Gurney had been requested to attend their next meeting to discuss zoning restrictions on height, use, etc. He would like to wait with this project until this fall as this is a very busy time in the Department.
Mr. Gurney also stated he had been contacted by Mr. Richard Blakeslee regarding the issue of "keyholing". Mr. Gurney explained that this was when a property owner owned an "off lake" lot, purchased a lake lot, created an easement on that lot for lake access and then sold the lake lot. This would result in double the number of docks on the lake. He will contact the Department of Natural Resources to see if they have any restrictions on such activity.
Mr. Ed Bodendein, Town of LaValle Chair, contacted the department regarding dogs. The Town was looking to the County to restrict the number of dogs allowed on one lot.
There was also discussion regarding towns holding public hearings and notification of adjoining property owners.
Business items
The Committee signed the resolution denying the rezoning request of Pam Leonard that was heard at the June 24, 2003 public hearing.
Mr. Matt Filus, County Surveyor, then appeared. He gave a brief monthly report and distributed Form 1, preliminary data, for his department. Form 1 for budget was distributed. The Surveyor's mission and vision statements were reviewed as well as the short and long term goals.
Mr. Filus stated that the vertical control station program was going to be completed by the WISDOT and there were no long term changes. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve Form #1, Preliminary Data for the County Surveyor. Motion carried.
Mr. Ted Brenson then appeared and distributed his Form #1 for the Mapping Department. After brief discussion, a motion was made by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the budget preliminary data as submitted. Motion carried.
The Mapping Department's vouchers were then reviewed. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford to approve the vouchers in the amount of $252.73. Motion carried.
Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared and gave his monthly report. He distributed a 6 month breakdown of expenditures. Postage and box rent was discussed. The 2004 Budget Form 1 for the Register of Deeds was reviewed. Mr. Bailey stated that there was no change in the mission or vision statements. Government saving money was discussed. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Lehman to approve the Register of Deeds Form #1. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney informed the Committee that he is planning on a public hearing in August or September on the Growth Management Plan for Highway 12. He stated that each community involved was reviewing the plan at this time. The Vandewalle study was briefly discussed. Copies of the final draft plan were distributed to Committee members.
The next item for discussion was the White Mound project. A breach analysis required the adoption of a dam breach zone. The Department of Natural Resources has approved the final document and the County is now required to make a zoning overlay of the breach area.
A meeting of the Badger Advisory Committee is scheduled for tonight. This is the date that the GSA was to share their decision on how to dispose of the Badger property.
The Committee then reviewed Form 1 of the budget for the Planning and Zoning Department. Mr. Gurney stated that there had not been a change in the mission and vision statements. The short term goals were reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to approve Form 1 for the Planning and Zoning Department budget. Motion carried.
The Board of Adjustment Form #1 was then reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to approve Form #1 for the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried.
Mr. Dave Tremble, Land Preservation Specialist with the Planning and Zoning Office, appeared and reviewed the Baraboo Range budget form. He stated that there had not been any radical changes. Discussion followed regarding the Forest Legacy Program. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Wiese to approve Form #1 for the Baraboo Range. Motion carried.
The Committee then reviewed the purchase of development rights from the Ski Hi Fruit Farm property which consisted of approximately 173 acres of agricultural land and 110 acres of forest for a total of 283 acres.
There was discussion on why there was such a big difference in appraised value between appraisers. The two appraisal summaries were reviewed further. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the purchase of development rights from Ski Hi Fruit Farm in the amount of $397,000.00. Motion carried 3-2, with Lehman and Cassity in opposition.
The Committee then reviewed the revised draft of the sign ordinance. It was noted that "political" signs needed to be added for exemptions. On Page 4 12.d. "thirty (30) from the date" should read "thirty (30) days from the date" and 14.i. "Not to exceed 15 square" should read "Not to exceed 20 square".
This ordinance will be going to public hearing on July 22, 2003.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to adjourn at 11:45 A.M.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary