Committee Members Present: Ashford, Sprecher, Lehman, Cassity, and Wiese.
Others Present: Gurney, Filus, Brenson, Bailey, White, Haugen, and others.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to adopt the agenda as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion by Cassity, seconded by Sprecher to approve the August 11, 2003 Committee meeting minutes.
Motion carried.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the August 26, 2003 Committee meeting minutes.
Business items: The Committee signed the resolution approved at the previous meeting for rezoning property owned by Don Ederer in the Town of Franklin.
The Register of Deeds and Mapping Departments were not in attendance at this time so the County Surveyor appeared first.
Mr. Matt Filus, County Surveyor, appeared and distributed a memo from Chad Hendee, Assistant Corporation Counsel, regarding not taking the lowest bid for a monumentation and survey project. It was Mr. Hendee's opinion that Mr. Ramaker's bid did not qualify because it was non-responsive to the requirements of the bid. Subcontracting or assigning duties and delegating authority were discussed. The Committee felt they needed a clear and valid reason not to accept the lowest bid. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Lehman to accept the bid from Team Engineering for the perpetuation of monumentation and survey coordinate acquisition in the Townships of Bear Creek and Washington.
Motion carried.
Mr. Lehman asked about markers that were put out by the Department of Transportation. Mr. Filus explained that they were for height monumentation and they could also be used for control points for aerial photography.
Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, then appeared. His main concerns were regarding getting information put on the web. He explained that the money would be coming from land records for a new program to aid with web access. He stated that the Treasurer's department had reported that they had only 1/2 the number of calls they answered before having this information available on the web. Possible charges for this service and new computers for the Register of Deeds Office were discussed.
Mr. Bailey had no vouchers at this time.
Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, appeared next. The Committee reviewed the capital improvement project sheet for the Land Records 2004 Budget. FEMA maps were discussed. The state is working on correcting the maps. They are starting with 7 counties in 2004. The County gets about 15 LOMAs a year. FEMA and DNR review them followed by the county and 4 foot contours are needed. DNR wants 2 foot contours in cities and villages. Mr. Cassity asked how many floods we have had in the last 25 years where this information would have helped and how. Mr. Brenson explained that it would show how and where the water would go. Floods and the water shed were discussed. Discussion followed on tax dollars and land records money and county money. Mr. Gurney stated that it was urgent that this get done within the next five years as Sauk County is behind in this program.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to approve the change in the budget that would combine the digital topo maps and new aerial photography into one project in 2005.
Motion carried.
Discussion followed regarding eliminating ArcIMS and changing to MapGuide 6.3. Mr. Brenson estimated that this change would save the County approximately $40,000 over the next seven years. By staying with ArcIMS, Mr. Brenson stated that he would need to dedicate two positions to it as well as hire another person in 2005. The MIS Committee has already approved this change which will be funded by land records funds. Mr. Cassity stated the hiring of another staff person would not get done. Mr. Brenson stated that MapGuide was easier to manage than GIS. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the resolution authorizing the purchase of MapGuide 6.3.
Motion carried 4-1, with Cassity in opposition.
Mr. Brenson distributed his voucher list. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers as presented.
Motion carried.
Mr. Lance Gurney appeared next and gave his monthly report for the Planning and Zoning Department. Minutes from the last BAAP meeting were discussed. Mr. Gurney stated that the County is interested in maintaining the rail through the plant to help with the dismantling of the plant as well as service for the existing fertilizer plant. There are approximately 26 miles of rail in Badger with only about 5 miles being used. Senator Schultz is now supporting a rail along side the Highway 12 bypass south of the Village of Prairie du Sac. The Villages do not want continuation of the rail through the villages.
Discussion on Ho-chunk property request followed. The County has been one of two parties that have not signed the Memorandum of Understanding because there has been some questions regarding the footprint for the Ho-chunk. Mr. Gurney had discussion with GSA on Friday in which they indicated a final letter will be sent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding their offer. The County could sign the MOU if the footprint matches the one submitted on October 10, 2001.
The sewage plant was discussed as well as using wetlands for filtering of nitrates. The actual process for disposal was also discussed. It was noted that the Army has not officially sent a letter authorizing the final disposal of BAAP.
Mr. Gurney stated that he and Steve Sorenson had attended, and successfully completed, a wetland delineation training session. Department staff do site visits to determine if wetlands would be affected by development.
A resolution from Lake Redstone property owners banning boathouses was discussed.
Discussion followed on clustering. An ordinance should be done by the end of September and this will be reviewed with Sauk County realtors and banks. Density and lot sizes were discussed.
The Department budget was discussed. Mr. Gurney felt the department heads should be given a dollar amount that needs to be cut from their department and how it is accomplished should be left up to each department.
Mr. Gurney stated that his department has added one staff person in six years. Permits along with other staff responsibilities have increased by two fold. Now it takes approximately 10 days to get a permit out, but it would be much longer if staff was cut. Mr. Gurney does not want to raise fees until 2005.
Mr. Haugen stated that the departments with a small increase shouldn't have to make changes and it should not be left to politics.
Mr. Lehman asked where would he propose to send the mineral extraction program and Mr. Gurney stated to a private firm.
Discussion followed on what could be eliminated. Fire signs could go to emergency government
Shipping fire numbers to emergency government and the Wisconsin Fund Program could be dropped. Mr. Sprecher did not see where necessary programs could be dropped.
Mr. Dave Tremble then met with the Committee regarding the purchase of development rights for the John and Donna Taapken property. Five acres are being excluded as there is a residence on this parcel. General discussion on the program continued. State indebtedness, building new roads and more development were also discussed. Mr. Sprecher stated that by approving an individual purchase they were not showing approval for the program. They are only acknowledging that the property owner meets the program requirements. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the purchase of development rights for the John and Donna Taapken property.
Motion carried 3-2, with Cassity and Lehman in opposition.
The proposed ordinance language amendments discussed at the last Committee meeting to the sign regulations were reviewed.
Motion by Lehman, seconded by Cassity to approve the sign ordinance as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion by Cassity, seconded by Lehman to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary\ notes by mary white