Committee Members Present: Ashford, Sprecher, Lehman, Cassity and Wiese.
Others Present: Gurney, White, Haugen, Bailey, Felton.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to adopt the agenda as presented.
Motion carried.
The minutes of the previous meeting were not available for approval.
Business items: The Committee signed the resolution approved at the previous meeting for rezoning property owned by Harvey Rieder in the Town of LaValle and the resolution approving the Highway 12 Corridor Growth Management Plan.
Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared and reviewed his proposed budget and staffing. The number of documents anticipated in 2004 was discussed. The Finance Committee had already been given this information. Ms. Ashford stated that she thought the Register of Deeds office was totally self-sufficient and the department was still being asked to take a cut. Mr. Cassity stated that the Register of Deeds was an elected position, that was responsible to the citizens of this county. Many of the other department heads were only appointed. Mr. Bailey did not feel the decrease was necessary at this point. If, at a later time, he found he could not meet his projected revenue, he would like to review his budget request at that time. Discussion followed on how problems with the 2004 budget could be worse in future years. Merit increases for non-represented employees were discussed. Mr. Cassity stated that the Register of Deeds and Planning and Zoning departments should be commended for their efforts to hold down operating costs. Political aspects of the budget process were discussed. Mr. Bailey stated that he felt if he loses his part time position, it will be gone forever and he would like to keep it for one more year.
Mr. Bailey presented his voucher list for approval. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Ms. Kelly Felton gave a brief update on activities in the Mapping Department. She stated that the Town of Troy project was put on hold because certain corners needed to be reestablished. She explained how the staff did field work and found an original corner which consisted of a 170 year old wooden post about 7 feet down. The Sauk County Historical Society will assist in the preservation of the post. Mr. Cassity questioned how they could be certain that the post was an actual corner. Ms. Felton explained that the shape of the post, the location and the actual position of the post made them reasonably sure.
She then distributed the voucher list for the Mapping Department. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
The County Surveyor was not in attendance.
Mr. Gurney told the Committee that he had received a copy of letter from the Department of Natural Resources to Mr. Endres indicating that they would support a transfer of land in the Town of LaValle to the State (Mill Pond). No Committee action was necessary.
Discussion followed on proposed new legislation to allow Rock County to buy some land, subdivide it and sell the lots to citizens other than for low income housing. The courts had approved it but legislation was needed.
Mr. Gurney then reported on the progress of the Badger Ordinance project. The Committee reviewed a map prepared by the GSA showing the areas that were approved for transfer to the Ho-Chunk, DNR and USDA. The future owner of the sanitary plant was still to be determined. The Ho-Chunk was back in negotiations with the State regarding the trading for land in another area. At this point, we are assuming they are going to take the parcel shown on the map. Mr. Gurney indicated they, himself and Lowell Haugen - BIG representatives, were willing to sit down with the County Board Chair to recommend that the County sign the MOU provided that the transfer of land be exactly as shown on the map. Mr. Gurney will be meeting with Mr. Endres on Thursday. Contaminated buildings were discussed. The military is required by federal law to properly dispose of any contaminated structures. The County and the Ho-Chunk Nation are the only two that have not approved the MOU. Mr. Cassity asked if this had to go to the full County Board. Mr. Endres, County Board Chairman, is authorized to sign for the County.
The Committee then discussed the Planning and Zoning Department budget. The original proposal was made to cut a position. Mr. Gurney explained that current office staff find it difficult to keep up with permits alone. The Committee reviewed a memo prepared by Mr. Gurney showing revenue enhancements and proposed budget cuts for 2004. Flex time and comp. time was discussed. Mr. Gurney stated that he was worried about comp. time (overtime) and field supplies. With this proposal, Mr. Gurney felt he could maintain current service levels.
A memo from Mr. Gene Wiegand to the County Board of Supervisors graphically showing budget trends was discussed.
The Committee reviewed the voucher list for the Planning and Zoning Office. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Cassity to approve the voucher list. Motion carried.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary.