Transportation and Parks Committee
DATE: Thursday, February 13, 2003
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
Sauk County Highway Office
West Baraboo, Wi 53913
Transportation Department
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
- Public Comment.
- Communications.
- Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers.
- Review and Approve Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
- Airport Report.
- Appearance by Dave Lambert, Westbrook Engineers, to give updates on CTH W and Township Bridge Projects.
- Review 2003 Road Construction Projects.
- Review and Approve WISDOT 2003 Routine Maintenance Agreement Addendum.
- Review Equipment Needs and Purchases for 2003.
- Review Storage Building Construction at Reedsburg Facility.
- Open Bids on Patrol Trucks and Tandem Truck at 11:00 a.m.
Parks Department
- Approve Vouchers.
- Appearance by Tim McCumber, Town of Merrimac.
- Open Mower Bids - 9:15 a.m.
- Approve Playground Equipment Bids.
- Update on Snowmobile Program.
- Update on County Forest.
- Mercer Property
- Harvest Plans
- Update on Office Break-in.
- Update on Entrance Fee Violations.
- Discuss Koenig attending WPRA Spring Workshop on Marketing.
- Discuss possible Power Production from Redstone Spillway.
- Update on 2003 Intern Project - Operation Manuals for County Dams.
Transportation Committee Members,
County Clerk
Date Notice Mailed: February 6, 2003
PREPARED BY: Office of the Sauk County Highway Commissioner
Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting
or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format
should contact Sauk County (608-355-3269 or TTY 608-355-3490) between
the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive
of legal holidays, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that
reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.