Transportation and Parks Committee

February 13, 2003

  1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Schmitz, Meister, and Sprecher.

    Absent: Stevens

    Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Jeffrey Little - Bluffview, Brian Kindschi - Town Chair Sumpter, Tim McCumber - Deputy Clerk/Treas. Merrimac, Larry Chvojicek - Enerson & Eggen Inc., Marcus Gumz - Marcus Gumz Foundation, Ken Rolafson - Ayres Associates, Jeff Gruebling - Madison Truck Sales, Arthur Meyer - Capital City International, Marty Zens - Badger, Sam Landes - Pete of Wisconsin, Todd Edmund Trucks, Inc.

  2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Meister.

    Motion carried.

  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister.

    Motion carried.

  4. Public Comment. Jeff Little, Town of Sumpter, requested assistance in getting the turn lanes on USH 12 near Bluffview increased in size. Mr. Little feels that there is a safety concern with the current turn lanes being too small. Muchow will contact WISDOT to see what can be done.

    Marcus Gumz - Hein Road & CTH U - Trees in the area should be cut for visibility and an area of CTH T near Bent Tree Drive should be widened.

    No action.

  5. Communications.


  6. Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Sprecher to approve January 2003 bills in the amount of $ 56,770.64 . Motion carried.
  7. Review and Approve Employee Requests For Vacation Carryovers.

    Duane Alt - 26.0 hours Dean Darling - 70.5 hours

    Kevin Ketelboeter - 47.5 hours Danny Nobs - 14.0 hours

    Thomas Sliter - 73.0 hours

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to approve vacation carryovers.

    Motion carried.

  8. Airport Report. Discussion followed regarding Resolution authorizing loan to Tri-County Airport for construction of a new hanger.

    No action.

  9. Appearance by Dave Lambert, Westbrook Engineers, to give updates on CTH W and Township Bridge Projects. Discussion followed.

    No action.

  10. Review 2003 Road Construction Projects. Discussion followed.

    No action.

  11. Review and Approve WISDOT 2003 Routine Maintenance Agreement Addendum. Discussion followed.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Schmitz to approve WISDOT 2003 Routine Maintenance Agreement Addendum.

    Motion carried.

  12. Review Equipment Needs and Purchases for 2003. Discussion followed. At the March meeting, bids will be opened for one new tractor/mower. Also, Greg Roth will be present to discuss Buy-back prices on the Department's Caterpillar equipment.

    No action.

  13. Review Storage Building Construction at Reedsburg Facility. Discussion followed.

    Hartje Lumber is working on plans - will be let to bids.

    No action.

  14. Open Bids on Patrol Trucks and Tandem Truck at 11:00 a.m.

    10 Bids were received for the two (2) 41,000 GVW Patrol Trucks. Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to award Capital City International the bid for the two (2) 41,000 GVW Patrol Trucks in the amount of $ 88,890.00 .

    Motion carried.

    8 Bids were received for the one (1) 56,000 GVW Tandem Truck. Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to award Capital City International the bid for the one (1) 56,000 GVW Tandem Truck in the amount of $ 61,480.00 . Subject of Specification Review.

    Motion carried.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.

    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: John Schmit , Secretary

Cc: County Clerk, Steve Koenig , Committee

Parks Department

  1. Approve Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve January 2003 bills in the amount of $ 1,398.23 and $ 848.79 .

    Motion carried.

  2. Appearance by Tim McCumber, Town of Merrimac. Clingman property acquisition - The Transportation Committee referred the matter to the Executive & Legislative Committee.

    No action.

  3. Open Mower Bids - 9:15 a.m.

    10 Bids were received for the Mower. Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Sprecher to

    award Enerson & Eggen the bid for the Mower in the amount of $ 4,930.00 .

    Motion carried.

  4. Approve Playground Equipment Bids.

    5 Bids were received for the Playground Equipment. Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Sprecher to award Gerber Landscape Structures the bid for the Playground Equipment in the amount of $ 11,043.00 .

    Motion carried.

  5. Update on Snowmobile Program. Discussion followed. Local snowmobile clubs are opposing possible legislation permitting ATV's on snowmobile trails.

    No action.

  6. Update on County Forest.

    a. Mercer Property - Items being stored on County property will be moved. Also, adjacent property owner would like to purchase some of the County Forest property.

    b. Harvest Plans - Recommends clear cut on 13 acres, broadcast burn and replant pines.

    No action.

  7. Update on Office Break-in. Discussion followed. Stolen radios were returned.

    No action.

  8. Update on Entrance Fee Violations. Discussion followed.

    No action.

  9. Discuss Koenig attending WPRA Spring Workshop on Marketing. Discussion followed. Koenig will not attend.

    No action.

  10. Discuss possible Power Production from Redstone Spillway. Discussion followed. County not interested.

    No action.

  11. Update on 2003 Intern Project - Operation Manuals for County Dams. Discussion followed.

    No action.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.

    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: John Schmitz, Secretary

cc: County Clerk, Steve Koenig, Committee