Absent: none
Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Kerry Beghin - Sauk Co. Controller, Dave Krekowski - Omnni Asc., Duane Gau - GAS Associates, Bill Hove - GAS Associates, Ron Loken - Mead & Hunt, Sarah Estrella - Capital Newspapers.
Motion carried.
Motion carried.
- A letter was received stating a problem with how a driveway approach was finished on CTH B at the property of Ronald & Bonnie Weitzel. Muchow stated that the problem has since been corrected.
- A letter was received and discussed regarding a possible amendment to the Wisconsin Administration Code allowing the use of double bottoms and other long trucks on STH 60 from USH 12 to USH 14.
No action.
Gary Merrell - 111.50 hours Gerald Von Behren - 45.00 hours
Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve vacation carryovers.
Motion carried.
No action.
Joint Meeting of Sauk County Transportation and Parks and Land Conservation Committees called to order by Chairman Hartje and Chairman Wiese.
Members present: Bernien, Cassity, Lehman, Wiese, and Zowin from the Land Conservation Committee; Hartje, Meister, Schmitz, Sprecher, and Stevens from the Transportation and Parks Committee; Muchow and Carignan-Highway Department; Koenig-Parks Department; Van Berkel, Vosberg, and Pohle-LCD; Mueller-NRCS; Jeff Thieding-Thieding Construction.
Review of Bids for White Mound Lake Dredging Project: Van Berkel informed the Committees that 80 contractors were sent bid notices and an advertisement was placed in the Baraboo News Republic recruiting bids. A site showing was held on December 2 with 20 contractors present. Bids were due on December 9, and seven contractors submitted bids. A bid summary was distributed to the committees. Van Berkel recommended selecting the low bid submitted by Phenco, Inc. for $872,471. With this bid, the project budget is on target. Hartje recommended investigating the possibility of placing a portion of the dredge spoil from the west bay down by the buildings where it would be easier to reclaim and transport the rest on the park road to the north spoil disposal site. Staff will investigate the cost of this option. The Committee gave staff authority to investigate options and then select the least cost method. Mueller cautioned the Committees to first award the contract as bid and then do change orders on modifications rather than negotiating components of the bid. This keeps it fair for everyone who submitted bids.
Selection of Contractor and Spoil Disposal Alternative for Resolution to County Board: Motion by Hartje/Zowin to forward a resolution to the County Board to award the contract to Phenco, Inc. for the bid amount of $872,471. Motion carried, all in favor. Van Berkel presented the resolution for signatures.
Motion by Lehman, seconded by Cassity to adjourn the Joint Committee Meeting.
Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve Resolution Accepting Tri-County Agreement for Employment of a Tri-County Airport Manager.
Motion carried.
Discussion followed in support of lock modernization which would reduce the volume of heavy traffic on Wisconsin's roads.
Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Stevens to approve Resolution Supporting Modernization of Mississippi River Locks.
Motion carried.
No action.
No proposals were offered.
No action.
No action.
If all state funding is used in winter maintenance, Highway could be laying off more personnel during summer months.
No action.
No Closed Session.
No Closed Session.
No action.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: John Schmitz, Secretary
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee
Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Stevens to approve Resolution raising Entrance Fees.
Motion carried.
Motion carried.
No action.
No action.
Motion carried.
cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee