USH 12 Local Planning Assistance Advisory Committee

DATE: March 27, 2003

The Sauk County USH12 Local Planning Assistance Advisory Committee convened in regular session on March 24, 2003 at the Village of Prairie du Sac—Village Hall.

Members present: Bowers, Colby, Frantz, Volz, Stehling, Breunig, Quackenbush.

Also present: Lance Gurney, Brian Simmert, Sauk County Department of Planning & Zoning, Mark Roffers & Robin Wettstein of Vandewalle & Associates.

Chair Karl Frantz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. County staff certified that the meeting had been properly noticed in conformance with Wisconsin open meeting statutes.

Motion to adopt the agenda by Stehling, seconded by Bowers.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to adopt an amended version of the minutes from the February meeting (amendment being that Bowers would be deleted from the members present list and Breunig added)  Motion carried unanimously by consensus.

Communications/Public Comment:

There were no communications/public comment.

Old Business Items:

There were no old business items.

New Business Items:

Roffers reiterated that each committee member represented their respective areas and also represented the corridor on a larger regional basis (to keep in mind during plan review).  It was further noted that after this meeting the draft plan will be available to the public to view and comment.

The following represents a review of the Plan section by section…

II. Introduction 

Gurney noted that maps 2 & 3 should be 11x17

III. Background

2. Agriculture Resources Summery 1st bullet point.  Frantz asked if the reference made to the most productive agricultural soils could be verifiable.  It was noted that a map in the plan shows classes I,II and III which according to the Soil Survey are deemed ‘high quality’ soils.

3. Demographic Trends Survey 3rd bullet point.  Gurney indicated that a qualifier should be added such as, ‘based on the 2000 census’ showing greater population growth on the north side of the Baraboo Range.

8. Community Facilities Summary (and through-out plan)  Colby suggested changing the term Bluff View Mobile Home Park to ‘Bluff View Development.’

IV. Regional Vision and Opportunities

Wettstein noted that the Vision noted in this draft is old, however the summary shows the correct vision. 

Bowers noted that the Village of West Baraboo was not labeled on Map 6.  It was noted that all communities would be labeled on this map.

B. Visual Character and Landscape Personality Analysis 2. Landscape Personality b) BAAP.  Frantz noted that some consensus on the Plants future should be re-worded to say ‘local’ consensus.

d) Quackenbush noted that the Winnebago should be removed.  Also that Native Americans did not cultivate crops and there was no trapping in the area.  It was noted that this area served as a trade center.  Quackenbush also noted that the inclusion of the history of the Sauk & Fox tribes would be appropriate.

c) Colby noted that the picture showing agriculture investment and Baraboo Range in background is incorrect—should be the Wisconsin River Bluffs.

C. Opportunities 2. Study Area Opportunities a) (page 49) The Committee and discussion suggested adding activities such as those related to cultural and historical, fishing, hunting and boating.

d) Tourist Destination Centers.  Gurney suggested adding Lake Redstone.

Frantz also expressed concern over using the term “the bowl” as this does not define a clear area.  It was determined that this term would be removed throughout the plan.

Quackenbush noted that a different term should be used to describe the ‘by-pass’ as different connotation are correlated to it.  Consider term ‘proposed by-pass’ or ‘proposed relocated HWY 12 corridor.’

Gurney noted that on Map 11 at the intersection of PF/12 an employment center is being proposed.  It was noted that in Sauk Prairie’s current plan and comprehensive planning discussion to this point with the area communities, it was indicated that this is not an appropriate place for an employment center.  It was further noted that Sauk Prairie is exploring a joint business park.  Discussion ensued regarding development at this intersection.

Frantz noted that the employment center noted on Map 11 North of Devil’s Lake falls within the Town of Baraboo’s sanitary district, which prohibits any development other than single family.  This center will be reduced in size accordingly.

2. Community Character Recommendations g) Preserve the wooded open space character at the south edge to provide a transition to the Baraboo Area.  Frantz asked where the Village of West Baraboo’s TIF District is in conjunction with this statement (and description).  Bowers indicated that he believed that there was open space between the two areas.  Wettstein noted that the projection is that the area will be developed, but still allows for a transition where the final build-out is less ‘noticeable’ (smaller buildings/greater setbacks etc).

Quackenbush noted that Map 6 showed shrubbery between the by-pass and business 12 and indicated that this would not be in keeping with the north woods theme.  This area should more likely include red and white pine.

5. Transportation Recommendations e)  Frantz expressed general concern over a 5 land being developed to serve the Tourist Entertainment Corridor which includes a middle turn land (similar to Sauk City).  It was suggested that a boulevard be installed including a median, shoulders, sidewalks etc.

Bowers noted that an advantage this area has is that land is still available along the corridor to accommodate this type of road development/layout.

Gurney suggested adding verbiage to the plan to suggest that when redeveloped that a Boulevard be installed/constructed.  It was further noted that this Plan would serve as a guide/give direction to the DOT as to what the Community wants.

Quackenbush noted that the Nation wants to slow traffic down along the existing corridor and prefers a 4-lane on alignment with a median.  He further noted that the Tribe is concerned that if the DOT builds the by-pass first, they may not return to construct the 4 lane (boulevard) in a decent amount of time.

Roffers referred the Committee back to 2. Community Character Recommendation a)  Implement a streetscape design theme for the existing Highway 12 corridor.  Gurney suggested adding a grassed median under this sub-section.

The Committee decided to add verbiage to the Plan which states to the DOT to construct this type of boulevard/road as soon as possible so that the Vision for the Tourist Entertainment Corridor can be achieved.   

Gurney noted that one of the biggest obstacles to achieving the Vision of the Tourist Entertainment Corridor would be the provision of utilities.

Wettstein noted verbiage in the plan recommending ‘joint utility districts’ for this.  It was also noted that the plan couldn’t be specific to who will provide such services. 

D. Baraboo Area Opportunities & Recommendations 1. Overall District Opportunities 3rd bullet.  Frantz noted a possible negative connotation with the term, ‘spread of development.’  It was suggested that this term be removed.

2. Community Character Recommendations b) Preserve open space and woodland character in northern West Baraboo to provide a transition to and separation from the Tourist Entertainment Corridor.  Frantz noted that there needs to be a concerted effort to develop design standards and model zoning ASAP.

Bowers stressed the need to develop joint intergovernmental agreements.

Frantz further noted the need for joint ordinances so developers do not move between municipalities until they get what they want.

4. Land Use and Community Design Recommendations d) Develop Baraboo’s planned east side industrial park efficiently.  Frantz suggested changing ‘Industrial Park’ to ‘Business Park’  Other minor changes were suggested for section d.

e)  Direct large commercial uses (“big boxes”) to infill and redevelopment sites, and as a second priority to “greenfield” sites north along existing Highway 12.  Frantz questioned what ‘North’ meant.  Other changes were suggested to this section.

Bowers noted the negative connotation to the term ‘big boxes’ and suggest using large scale commercial.

On Map 18 Gurney noted that Bluffview is more representative of a neighborhood rather then mixed use as noted on the map.

Rural Area Opportunities & Recommendations 2. Community Character Recommendations b0 Minimize the visual impact of development.  Simmert suggested using a preferred pictorial that had vegetation to conceal new housing development.

Colby also noted the preferred layout also allows for an ease of farming.

Quackenbush discussed the importance of setting aside larger blocks of county parkland to provide passive recreational opportunities.

Roffers asked the Committee if it would be important to add provisions in this plan to have parks as a requirement of residential development.  The Committee agreed that it is important to add this recommendation.

Quackenbush noted that he was alluding to ‘large’ areas for parks and that there should be increased numbers of large parks in the County.

Roffers indicated that all of the thoughts on additional parklands could be incorporated into the Plan.

Quackenbush noted that overall (primarily referring to the plan document) that there was a missing opportunity to show the uniqueness of the cultural heritage including tribe heritage.  He suggested adding this type of heritage to the overall rivers and woods theme.  He further suggested adding a picture to the plan and/or summary document of a Native American dance or something similar to mark tribe heritage.

Gurney noted that the plan needs to mention the Ho-Chunk Wellness Center and Ho-Chunk housing around the casino area.

Wettstein reviewed the newsletter and its contents.  It was noted that any changes to the Summary Document would also appear in the newsletter.  Discussion ensued regarding possible dates for the upcoming 3 open houses/Local Community Meetings.

Discussion continued on possible dates.  It was noted that each LPA Representative should specifically invite Plan Commissions and other similar types of bodies so that they can have a chance to learn about the plan and offer advice/recommendations.  These meetings are also intended to get comments from the public.

Model Ordinances were handed out for Committee Review

Gurney indicated that this would be an appropriate time to begin the Phase II Projects.  He further suggested that three possible projects address the Sauk Prairie by-pass, Baraboo Area Intergovernmental meetings (to address i.e. ET authority, corporate boundary agreements etc.), Tourist entertainment corridor design guidelines etc.

Discussion ensued on developing a Scope of Services for Phase II and other projects that are critical to PhaseII.

Frantz suggested to also keep this Committee in tack to meet periodically to review each community’s projects and offer ideas.

Roffers noted that if a few projects were focussed on then there would be more money available for each project to further the efforts.

Bowers suggested putting the discussion of Phase II projects on the April Agenda.  The Committee agreed.

Quackenbush noted that overall the Ho-Chunk Community was appreciative that they had an opportunity to be part of this planning process and look forward to future opportunities to work together.

Motion to Adjourn by Consensus.  Meeting Adjourned at 10:30

Respectfully Submitted: Brian Simmert, Sauk County Planning & Zoning