Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: June 11, 2004

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:00 p.m. by Art Carlson.

Members present: Arthur Carlson, Rose White, Peter Tollaksen, Judy Ashford, Lola Huber

Members absent: Henry Netzinger, Carol Sorg

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Derrick Gee, Stephanie Brieby, Lester Allen, Peter Shrake

The agenda was approved on a motion by Tollaksen, second by Huber, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Ashford, second by Tollaksen, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.

Art Carlson opened the meeting with a moment of silence in remembrance of President Reagan.

Introductions were made.

Public Appearances.

Public Comment.

Stephanie Brieby, Associate Development Director at American Players Theatre presented information regarding cultural initiatives at APT. They sponsor 167 workshops year round per year teaching creative dramatics and theatre basics. Community relationships are important to the organization.

Derrick Gee summarized the activities of the Spring Green Area Arts Coalition. The organization began in August of 2003 with a cultural assessment that interviewed sixty individuals throughout the community. The mission of the organization is to nurture the arts. The organization sponsored the Midwest Rural Arts Forum. Currently they have seven project teams working in the following areas: Outreach, member services, incubator, advocacy, long range planning, facilities development, and development / fundraising.


Updated information from the Assembly for Local Arts Agencies (Anne Katz). Information on a study currently underway statewide regarding tourism in Wisconsin and the impact that arts related tourism has was shared. We will keep in touch with the study and request results from this study upon completion.

The Laird Leadership in Art Award Committee is looking for nominees for the bienniel Leadership in Art Award. Committee members will bring suggestions of county personages who would qualify and submit nominations.

Announcements regarding American for the Arts National Conference in Washington, D.C. and the National Preservation Conference in Louisville, were received.

Local Arts Agencies:

Creating Opportunity in Challenging Economic Times. This audioconference, held on June 10th detailed the changes to revenue streams faced by Arts agencies across the United States. The conclusion being that recovery has been slow, and that funding for the arts has changed significantly.

Business Items:

Budget - mission, vision and goals

The mission / vision / and goals for the Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee were discussed. We will begin collecting data on performance measures for the 2005 budget process. Goals and outcomes will be developed and discussed at the next meeting.

Grant process

The grant application form was reviewed and process parameters were discussed for the 2005 process. Multiple requests for continuous projects will be reveiwed on a case by case basis.

Review of web site changes (Artists directory, Historic Sites).

Website changes were reviewed and discussed. Changes will be forwarded to MIS.


Artist Registry

No new additions. Marketing efforts to alert artists to this opportunity are underway. Packets will be mailed to artists involved with the fall art tour. Articles regarding opportunities will be included with the upcoming Sauk County Art Association newsletter.

County Courthouse

The subcommittee preparing for the 100 year celebration for the Sauk County Courthouse is continuing with research. A timeline and plans for a brochure have been solidified. When available a detailed plan will be distributed to the committee for consideration.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Ashford to approve vouchers in the amount of $9,246.96.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Ashford, seconded by Tollaksen, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on July 09, 2004, at the River Arts Center in Sauk City.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary