Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation

DATE: The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:00 p.m. by Art Carlson.

Members present: Arthur Carlson, Rose White, Peter Tollaksen, Judy Ashford, Henry Netzinger, Carol Sorg

Members absent: Lola Huber

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Valerie McAuliffe, Verlyn Mueller, Connie Konkle, Dolores Bahr, Patrice Luehr, Chris Kratzke, Mary Dickey, Mercedes Cox, Sue Lloyd, Allan and Nancy Schmid.

The agenda was approved on a motion by Netzinger, second by Sorg, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Sorg, second by White, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.

Public Appearances / Public Comment

Introductions were made.

Area representatives presented information regarding ongoing initiatives in the arts and historic preservation. Presentations were made by: The Riverside Players, Mercedes Cox - Riverside Players, Mary Dickey - Gallery Committee, River Arts Center, Sue Lloyd - River Arts Inc., Dolores Bahr, Sauk Prairie Area Historical Society, Verlyn Mueller - Badger History Group, Connie Konkel - Sauk City History Group.

A. Carlson presented Karen Davidson of Cabochon Gems and Designs with the bronze Historical Marker for the addition of the property to the Sauk County Historical Registry.

A. Schmid presented information about the 40th Annual Art Fesitval to be held August 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


A copy of the Americans for the Arts Annual Report was received.

A notification of an upcoming Cultural Resources Planning Workshop for September 10, 2004 in Madison.

Business Items:

History Book of the Sauk County Health Care Center

M. Carignan made a presentation regarding the writing and publication of a history book of the Sauk County Health Care Center. Discussion on how project would fit within parameters of the grant funding process. No action taken.

Mission, vision and goals

The mission / vision / and goals for the Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee were discussed.

Performance measures were discussed and developed. A work group will be formed with representatives from area communities that will work on the creation of a cultural resources directory. Motion by Ashford, second by Tollaksen to approve the mission / vision and goals for 2005.
Motion carried.


Budget history was reviewed and budget figures were compiled to correspond with mission and goals for 2005. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger to approve the budget request of $52,000 for 2005. Motion carried.

Humanities Speaker's

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger to approve the formation of a subcommittee comprised of Carol Sorg, Judy Ashford, and Kathy Schauf, to arrange for the 2004 Humanities Speakers.
Motion carried.

Grant process

The grant application form was reviewed and process parameters were discussed for the 2005 process. Multiple requests for continuous projects will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Laird Leadership in Art

A nomination for a local artist will be prepared and submitted for this award.

Consideration of presentation of arts activities

Groups to present to the Board prior to meetings of the full county board will be researched.


Artist Registry - Two additions to the registry were considered. Motion by White, second by Netzinger to approve the addition of the artwork of Janet Flynn and Tranquility Inc. to the Artist's Registry. Motion carried.

Motion by Carlson, second by Tollaksen to approve vouchers in the amount of $2,000.00.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Ashford, seconded by Tollaksen, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on August 13, 2004, at the Reedsburg Public Library, Reedsburg, Wisconsin.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary