Board of Supervisors

DATE:August 17, 2004
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #326, Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.

Call to order: 6:00 p.m.

Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

Roll call: PRESENT: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger.

Invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Approve agenda: Motion (White/Bychinski). Motion carried unanimously. Motion (Kriegel/Meister), to change order of the scheduled appearances #'s 2 & 3 to after #4. Motion carried unanimously. Moved (Tollaksen/Earl), to approved agenda with change. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve minutes of previous session: Correction, page 2, under claims: "Peter" should be "Peper". Motion (Montgomery/Tollaksen). Motion carried unanimously.

Scheduled appearances:
1. Arlen Leholm, Dean and Director of UW-Cooperative Extension.
2. Tom Weber, Monroe County Criminal Justice Coordinator. (handout)
3. Cheryl Giese regarding rezoning petition 20-2004.
4. Paul Bremer Dave Leifer regarding rezoning petition 20-2004.
5. Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator: Health Care Center Study (available in his office); and equalized valuation increase.
6. Supervisor Tommy Lee Bychinski, and Tim Stieve, Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Administrator: Communications Infrastructure Committee update.
7. Supervisor Linda Borleske: Invitation to attend a tour of natural beauty locations and the Baraboo Range. Announcement for date will be made at a later time.
8. Bev Muhlenbeck, Public Health Director/Health Officer: Regarding possibility of Sauk County becoming agents of the State for food safety and recreational licensing. (handout)

Motion (Borleske/Stoeckmann), to allow Cheryl Giese to address the Board under Public Comment. Motion carried.

Public Comment:
Cheryl Giese, Gary Cooper, Georgene Willemarck, and Anita Cooper (on behalf of Edward Smith - handout), regarding rezoning petition 20-2004 rezoning certain lands in the Town of Dellona from an Agriculture to a Recreation-Commercial zoning district, filed by Russell Hansen, Agent, Carol Clement Stanton, owner.

Marc Gums regarding planning and zoning regulations (handout).

Tim Zumm, representing Friends of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (FLOW), regarding proposed communication tower at Jones Road and Thuli Road, in the Town of Spring Green.

Iowa County Resolution 2-0704 Authorizing Loan to Tri-County Airport For Installation of a Fuel Tank, Single Point Dispenser and Supporting Systems.

Congratulations certificate from Art Carlson, Chairman Sauk County Health Care Center Committee, on behalf of the Trustees, to Sauk County Health Care Center employees for zero citations from their State inspection.

Letter from Mark E. Cupp, Executive Director, Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board (LWSRB), regarding proposed communications tower near the intersection of Jones Road and Thuli Road in the Town of Spring Green.

Petition from citizens in the Town of Dellona requesting denial of rezoning petition 20-04.

Bills & Referrals: None.
Claims: None.
Unfinished Business: None.
Appointments: None


Resolution No. 116-04 Proclaiming October 2004 National Arts and Humanities Month. Motion (Carlson/Dippel). Vote totals: AYES: (28) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Endres. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business: None.

1. Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk - Report of Re-Zoning petitions received, per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e)1:
Petition #21-04: Development Plan, filed by Peter Kolar, Township of Delton.
Petition #22-04: Subdivision Plat, filed by Peter Kolar, Township of Delton.
Petition #23-04: Development Plan, filed by Sauk County Planning and Zoning.
Petition #24-04: Development Plan, filed by the Township of Honey Creek.
2. Second Quarter Financial Report.


Resolution No. 117-04 Denying Claim of Brian L. Peper. Motion (Tollaksen/Wiese). Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, clarified claim is result of a traffic accident involving an employee in the Sauk County Land Conservation Department. Vote totals: AYES: (26) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, and Wenzel. NAYES: (3) Lehman, Stevens, and White. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 118-04 Approving Purchase of Development Rights Agreement for the Harley and Linda A. Boettcher Property Pursuant to the Sauk County Baraboo Range Protection Plan. Motion (White/Ashford). Vote totals: AYES: (21) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Krueger, Tollaksen, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (8) Lehman, Bychinski, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Haugen, Stevens, and Carlson. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 119-04 Authorization to Contract with J & R Underground for Installation of a Fiber Optic Cable from Reedsburg Highway Shops to Reedsburg Tower Site. Motion (Bychinski/Hartje). Phil Raab, Sauk County Communications Technician, responding to Board members questions in relation to bids, materials and costs. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (1) Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 120-04 Establishing Financial Policy for Future County Solid Waste Operations. Motion (Hartje/Meister). Discussion.

Motion (Cassity/Lombard), to refer resolution back to the Environmental Resources Committee for 1 month. Vote totals on motion to refer back to Committee: AYES: (27) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (1) Krueger. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Haugen. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Withdrawn: Resolution No. 121-04 Accepting the Bid of Zech Forest Products For the Operation of the Sauk County Landfill.

Withdrawn: Resolution No. 122-04 Enumerating the Procedures and Resources to Accomplish the Closure of the Sauk County Landfill.

Resolution No. 123-04 Commending Senator Dale Schultz, and Representative Sheryl Albers for Their Support of Sauk County's Position Regarding TABOR and Expressing the Appreciation of the Board. Motion (Tollaksen/Montgomery). Vote totals: AYES: (26) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (2) Lehman and Stevens. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Lombard. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 124-04 Creating A Sauk County Health Care Center Building Project Committee and Transferring Reserved Fund Balance From the General Fund to the Health Care Center Fund. Motion (Carlson/Borleske). Discussion.

Motion (Kriegl/Gaalswyk) to refer back to the Health Care Center Committee for further study. Discussion. Vote totals on motion to refer back to Committee: AYES: (10) Kriegl, Stoeckmann, Cassity, Lombard, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Gaalswyk, and Sinklair. NAYES: (15) Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger,Tollaksen, Dippel, Ashford, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, White, Sprecher, and Wenzel. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (4) Lehman, Volz, Endres, and Alexander. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion to refer back to Committee failed.

Vote totals on original resolution: AYES: (17) Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Volz, Dippel, Haugen, Earl, Endres, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (12) Kriegl, Lehman, Stoeckmann, Cassity, Tollaksen, Lombard, Wheeler, Fordham, Ashford, Stevens, Gaalswyk, and Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Moved (Sprecher/Tollaksen), to withdraw: Resolution No. 125-04 Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Dellona From an Agricultural to a Recreational-Commercial Zoning District and filed upon Petition 12-2004 by Russell Hansen, Agent, Carol Clement Stanton, Owner. Vote totals on motion to withdraw resolution: AYES: (25) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (4) Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, and Stevens. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion to withdraw resolution carried unanimously.

Ordinance No. 126-04 Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Dellona From an Agricultural to a Recreational-Commercial Zoning District and filed upon Petition 20-2004 by Russell Hansen, Agent, Carol Clement Stanton, Owner. Motion (Wiese/Meister). Lance Gurney, Planning & Zoning Director: overview of rezoning petition. Discussion. Vote totals: AYES: (15) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Montgomery, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, and Wenzel. NAYES: (14) Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Bychinski, Krueger, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Alexander, Sinklair, and White. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 17, 2004.

Ordinance No. 127-04 Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Ironton from an Exclusive Agriculture to an Agriculture Zoning District and filed upon Petition 14-2004 by Donald and Karen Gardner. Motion (Ashford/Cassity). Vote totals: AYES: (27) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (1) Fordham. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Endres. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 17, 2004.

Ordinance No. 128-04 Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Greenfield from a Single Family Residential to a Resource Conservancy 35 Zoning District and filed upon Petition 17-2004 by Maxwell Judd. Motion (Tollaksen/Volz). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 17, 2004.

Resolution No. 129-04 Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Real Property In the City of Baraboo Adjacent To the West Square Building Site. Motion (Hartje/Alexander). Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, regarding offer to purchase. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 130-04 Opposing Waiver For Aerobatic Flight Above the Tri-County Airport. Motion (Dippel/Stevens). Vote totals: AYES: (24) Kriegl, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Endres, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (1) Tollaksen. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (4) Meister, Haugen, Ashford, and Gaalswyk. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Netzinger. Motion carried.

Supervisor Montgomery Announcement: The Sauk County Board of Supervisors will hold their annual holiday party on Friday evening, December 10, 2004 at the Reedsburg Country Club, please mark your calendars and reserve the evening!

Motion (Endres/Volz) to adjourn until Tuesday, September 21, 2004, @ 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment: 10:28 p.m.

Original resolutions, ordinances, and other written material pertaining to this meeting,
may be viewed at the Sauk County Clerk's office, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913.