Board of Supervisors Minutes

DATE: October 19, 2004
Room #326
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.

Call to order: 6:00 p.m.

Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

Roll call: PRESENT: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Lombard, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen

Invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Approve agenda: Chair Wenzel announcement of resolutions withdrawn from the agenda: Resolution No. 150-04 Authorizing the Communication Infrastructure Committee to Revise the Plan for Communications Towers by Adding One Additional Tower Site. AND Resolution No. 138-04 Establishing Financial Policy for Future County Solid Waste Operations. Moved (Carlson/Endres), to approve agenda, with changes.
Motion carried unanimously.

Approve minutes of previous session: Moved (Ashford/Sinklair).
Motion carried unanimously.

Scheduled appearances:

  1. Supervisor Art Carlson regarding: a.) October Arts & Humanities Month; b.) Update on Health Care Center Ad Hoc Committee. Supervisor Judy Ashford and Rose White regarding Arts & Humanities. Solo performance by Sauk County musician and singer Diane Michaels.
  2. Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, regarding: a.) Proposed 2005 Sauk County Budget; b.) Announcement that the Sauk County Emergency Planning Committee was honored with a National Award presented by the Chemical Education Foundation. The Committee is a runner up in the national competition for the quality of the educational effort put forth by the Sauk County Emergency Planning Committee; c.) Communications Infrastructure Committee update.
  3. Steve Pate, MIS Director regarding County Board survey.

Public Comment:

Peter Murrey regarding communication towers.
Ed Brooks, Township of Reedsburg Chair, urging support of Township of Reedsburg Comprehensive Plan.
Supervisor Rose White, regarding 2004 WCA Conference, and Arts & Humanities month.


Chair Wenzel regarding GED program through MATC for jail inmates.
Chair Wenzel regarding 2004 WCA Convention.

Bills & Referrals: None.
Summons and Complaint from LeRoy D. Luther and Lois J. Luther, Steven D. Luther and Marsha A. Luther v. Sauk County, Planning & Zoning Dept., Lance Gurney, Director and David Lorenz, Environmental and Zoning Technician. Chair Wenzel, refer to: Executive and Legislative Committee.

Unfinished Business: None.
Appointments by Chair Wenzel:

  1. Ad Hoc Continuum of Care Committee (term to expire February 2005):
    Human Services Board (2 members):
    Joan Fordham, Al Dippel.
    Commission on Aging (2 members):
    Judith Stoeckmann, Joan Wheeler
    Public Health (2 members):
    John Earl, Lowell Haugen
    Health Care Center Governing Board (5 members):
    Art Carlson, Paul Endres, Larry Volz, Linda Borleske, Tommy Lee Bychinski
    Moved (Carlson/Ashford), to accept appointments. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Joan Wheeler to the Residence Hall Committee.
    Moved (Dippel/Sinklair), to accept appointment. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Joan Fordham to replace Peter Tollaksen on the Central Wisconsin Community Action Coalition, term to expire April 18, 2006.
  4. Re-appointment of Virgil Kasper to the Pink Lady Rail Commission, term to expire 10-31-2006.
    Moved (Endres/Volz), to accept appointment. Motion carried unanimously.
  5. Re-appointment of John Geoghegan to the Pink Lady Rail Commission, term to expire 10-31-2006.
    Moved (Alexander/Hartje), to accept appointment. Motion carried unanimously.
  6. Bill Orth to the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin.
    Moved (Stoeckmann/Borleske), to accept appointment. Motion carried unanimously.



Resolution No. 147-04 In Recognition of Roger Shanks and His Many Years of Dedicated Service To the Land and People of Sauk County and the State of Wisconsin.
Resolution No. 148-04 Commending Norvin "Penny" Penshorn for many years of Faithful Service to the People of Sauk County.


Resolution No. 149-04 Commending Robert Rosenbaum for more than 27 Years of Faithful Service to the People of Sauk County.

Motion (Ashford/Cassity), to approve consent agenda resolution numbers 147-04, 148-04 & 149-04. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Wenzel. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion carried unanimously.



Withdrawn:Resolution No. 150-04 Authorizing the Communication Infrastructure Committee to Revise the Plan for Communications Towers by Adding One Additional Tower Site.

Resolution No. 151-04 Approving the Possible Bidding on Real Property in the Village of Merrimac and Delegating Approval of Bid Amount.

Motion (Hartje/Meister). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) Krueger. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 152-04 Resolution of Necessity for Acquisition of Property as Part of Communications Infrastructure Project.

Motion (Bychinski/Stevens). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) Krueger. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen.

Motion carried unanimously.


Withdrawn: Resolution No. 138-04 Establishing Financial Policy for Future County Solid Waste Operations.

Resolution No. 139-04 Authorizing the Environmental Resources Committee to enter into an Agreement with Zech Forest Products for the Continuation of Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling Operations at the Sauk County Landfill Site.

Motion (Zowin/Fordham). Supervisor Hartje spoke in opposition to resolution. Further discussion in support of, and in opposition to resolution; recycling; and contract.

Motion (Sinklair/Alexander), to amend the resolution by changing the term of the contract to end January 01, 2005.

Discussion regarding term of contract. Vote totals on motion to amend: AYES: (12) Meister, Hartje, Volz, Dippel, Wheeler, Endres, Stevens, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (18) Zowin, Kriegl, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Lombard, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Gaalswyk, Carlson, White, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion to amend failed.

Further discussion regarding recycling, and issues regarding agreement. Vote totals on resolution: AYES: (15) Zowin, Kriegl, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Lombard, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Gaalswyk, White, and Netzinger. NAYES: (15) Meister, Hartje, Montgomery, Volz, Dippel, Wheeler, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, Sprecher, and Wenzel. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen.
Motion failed.


Resolution No. 153-04 Authorization to Contract with the Sauk County Housing Authority for Management of Rental Property.

Motion (Hartje/Endres). Discussion regarding maintenance. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Wenzel. NAYES: (2) Lombard and Haugen. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen.
Motion carried.


Resolution No. 154-04 Authorization to Purchase Washing Machine at Sauk County Health Care Center.

Motion (Endres/Dippel). Supervisor Endres regarding reasons for bid choice. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) Gaalswyk. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen.
Motion carried.

Resolution No. 155-04 Authorization to Repair West Elevator at Sauk County Health Care Center.

Motion (Carlson/Meister). Discussion regarding inclusions in bid. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) Gaalswyk. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Lehman. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen.
Motion carried.


Resolution No. 156-04 Resolution Establishing the 2005 Health Insurance Program for Sauk County.

Motion (Montgomery/Alexander). Michelle Koehler, Personnel Director, explanation of monthly contribution categories. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Haugen. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion
carried unanimously.


Resolution No. 157-04 Amending the Sauk County Planning and Zoning Department's Fee Schedule.

Motion (White/Ashford). Discussion regarding proposed fee increases. Brian Simmert, Planning & Zoning Department Planner, GIS Specialist: overview of proposed 2005 fee schedule. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (2) Hartje and Haugen. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion

Resolution No. 158-04 Approving the Town of Reedsburg Comprehensive Plan filed by the Town of Reedsburg.

Motion (Sprecher/Wenzel). Discussion confirming Town of Reedsburg is in support of said plan. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion
carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 159-04 Approving the Town of Honey Creek Comprehensive Plan filed by the Town of Honey Creek.

Motion (White/Wiese). Brian Simmert, Planning & Zoning Department Planner, GIS Specialist regarding comprehensive plan legislation. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: Stoeckmann and Montgomery. ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion
carried unanimously.


Resolution No. 160-04 Authorization to Contract with Kraemer Brothers, LLC to Perform Demolition of the Steel Structures in the Old Jail on the Third Floor of the Courthouse.

Motion (Hartje/Volz). Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion
carried unanimously.

Chair Wenzel entertained a motion to certify the proposed 2005 Sauk County Budget for publication, and to set the time and date for a Public Hearing on same.

Moved (Ashford/Bychinski), to approve the proposed 2005 Sauk County Budget for publication, and to set the time and date for the public hearing on the proposed 2005 Sauk County Budget, (with total County expenses of $78,712,938.00; a levy rate, including special purpose levies, of $4.68 per $1,000.00; and total levy dollars raised of $23,021,241.00), for November, 09, 2004, beginning at 6:00 p.m., West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Rm. #326, Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913. Vote totals on motion: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Tollaksen. Motion
carried unanimously

Original resolutions, ordinances, and other written material pertaining to this meeting,
may be viewed at the Sauk County Clerk's office, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913.