Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: FRIDAY, November 5, 2004
TIME: 8:30 A.M.

Committee members present: Scott Alexander, Betty Durst, LaVon Puttkamer, Darlene Hill, Joan Wheeler, Rose White, Judith Stoeckmann, Carol Jeffers, Director of Aging Programs; Jeanne Pribbenow,Administrative Support Specialist/Account Assistant; Jacklyn Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator.

1. Meeting called to order at 8:45 a.m. by Chair, Scott Alexander. Carol Jeffers, Director, certified that the open meeting notice requirements have been met.

2. A motion was made to adopt the agenda by Joan Wheeler and Betty Durst seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes of October 1, 2004 by Betty Durst and seconded by LaVon Puttkamer. Motion carried.

4. Communications:

Carol Jeffers provided updates on Senior Care - 1,161 persons enrolled; Older Americans Act - nothing has been done in Congress regarding this bill. Carol Jeffers was asked to draw up a resolution to be sent to the county board, signed and then sent to our legislators explaining the real need in our community for increasing the funding to keep our senior programs available to the seniors in our county; Senior Farmers Market will continue for 2005, but there will be a 10% across the board cut in funding; grass roots transportation problems with better coordination between the various agencies needed; Patient Assistance Program -8 prescription renewals, saving $1297; flu shots - wathc papers for dates available in various areas of the county; RSVP program - Carol Jeffers will follow up regarding the organization, funding, etc. to be on next month's agenda.

5. Departmental Updates:
Director's Report:

* Discussed Long Term Care Training information: Rose White, Scott Alexander, Betty Durst, Buddy Bethke, and Carol Jeffers attended the training at the Kalahari Resort Convention Center on October 18, 2004 from 4:15-5:30pm. The discussion was on Long Term Care Reform: What does the future hold? Helen Nelson, Secretary, Department of Health and Family Services, and Chuck Wilhelm, Director, Bureau of Long Term Support, will be the presenters. No cost for attendance. Per diem will be paid to the COA committee members.

*Discussed SCHCC Ad Hoc Committee & report. Carol Jeffers, Director; Jackie Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator; Phyllis Power, I & A Specialist of the Commission on Aging attended the meeting held in B30 of the West Square Building on November 10. This meeting was a public hearing meeting and 12 speakers gave their input on the future of the Sauk County Health Care Center.

* Reviewed the year end report and the Long Term Care Report with further discussion of the report at our next meeting.

* Aging Assessment Nutrition report for 2005 is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 2004 with Amy Fox, AAA Nutritionist. LaVon Puttkamer, from the COA committee, and Carol Jeffers, Director, will review the report.

* The Healthy Aging Fair was a success again this year. It was held on October 28, at the Baraboo High School from 9:00 until 2:00 with 700 people attending the fair. Approximately 300 people came for the flu shots and approximately 25 people for the pneumonia shot which were given by Home Health United. There were 63 vendors involved with the fair. A very good catered lunch was served by the Baraboo High School food service program.

Review and approval of:
- September Financial Statement 2004- Darlene Hill made a motion to approve the September statement and LaVon Puttkamer seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
- October vouchers 2004 - Rose White made a motion to approve payment of the October vouchers in the amount of $29,476.45. Joan Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

*Training/Meeting/Seminars requested:

11/08/04 Sylvia Kriegl wants to attend the Alzheimer's Conference being held at the Park Plaza in West Baraboo, WI. The program is on challenging behaviors of the Alzheimer patient. Mileage will be paid and the cost of the conference is $10.00.

11/10/04 Deb Harvey and Trish Vandre will be attending an Elder Law Training at the Portage library at Portage, WI. Mileage will be paid.

11/30/04 Hoarding, a mental health problem, beign presented by Betsy Abrahamson. Free but reserve seating. Staff will be scheduled to attend.
A motion was made to approve the training requests by Darlene Hill, seconded by Rose White. Motion carried.

6. Business Items:

* 2005 budget update. The full cost of the home delivered meals will be $6.05 and the congregate meals will be $5.62.

*Review and approve the 2005 Transportation s85.21 grant application. LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to approve the s85.21 grant application and Rose White seconded the motion. Motion carried.

* AAA report - LaVon Puttkamer stated she had no report, but the next meeting for the Board of Directors will be held in Tomah, WI on December 3, 2004.

7. Set next meeting: Wednesday, December 8, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. in Rm. 213, West Square Building, Baraboo, WI

8. Adjournment- Rose White made a motion the meeting be adjourned and Joan Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Darlene Hill, Secretary