Communications Infrastructure Committee

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virjil Hartje, Charles Montgomery, Donald Stevens, William Wenzel

Others Present: Janene Clark, Chad Hendee, Richard Meister, Steve Pate, Phil Raab, Kevin Stieve, Andy Schultz, Jerry Strunz, Dena Weinke, Gene Wiegand

  1. Meeting called to order by Bychinski at 10:25 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Hartje to approve agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve minutes of last meeting.
  4. Communications: None.
  5. Review tower sites:

    Soil borings were done by Ramacher at Hemlock Park. Findings are being faxed based upon the price. Raab received two prices: Saber Communications at $25,111 and Cellxion at $28,307.

    Borings will determine the type of foundation we put under the tower. Five contractors have been contacted for quotes.

  6. Hemlock Park Tower site. We are waiting for solution in the discrepancy in the property line. The only issue is after November the power company has a $3.00 per foot additional charge for trenching (till March), which would be about $3,500. Raab reported a cost of about $40,000 for the foundation, installation and structure erection.

    Wiegand suggested having a resolution prepared in advance with the names, costs, etc.

    Raab will get a quote prior to the next Board meeting on January 20.

    The tower's will handle ten (10) antennas, as well as a cell carrier. Billing will be designed so that everyone is billed separately for service.

    This will be a model for what other towers will cost as well.

    A quote was also received from Hill's Wiring to install new service at $2,189.

    Some additional phone cables will probably be trenched in and then we can see some income. The county's needs for phones is very limited but we will have that capacity if we need it.

    Raab is working with the State Coordinator on the licenses. The application should be done today and Raab is going to modify it via phone today. Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens, to authorize Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tim Stieve and Phil Raab to spend dollars needed to get this project started. Carried.

    TX RX Systems submitted a quote in the amount of $16,866 for sharing antennas at Hemlock - this will be for Fire, Highway, Law, EMS and a LaValle channel, and Raab is working on another one for the Courthouse Site.

    Hendee wants to enter into negotiations with the owners (Randy & Peggy Bradley). Hartje requested a letter drafted by Hendee and Hendee agreed he would, mentioning that we need to follow the correct process of going through land acquisitions.

  7. Courthouse Tower. The Nextel draft agreement has been sent and they have agreed to everything; however they are asking for an automatic renewal on their lease. Handee looked it over and stated the County is not in favor of this. Discussion took place on how this will affect the Baraboo Police and Raab said the with Nextel, everything is covered. We will continue paging for the city and a few more antennaes but the T1 will be handling the information.

    The County needs to prepare for the removal of the tower. The time frame is about eight (8) weeks for removal of equipment.

    The old microwave system needs to be added at Happy Hill, at a cost of $2,000. The costs involved for the new multiphexor and the T1 at $400/month, would total about $12,400. This equipment can be re-used in the system so it is not a one-time expense. It was agreed two resolutions should be submitted.

    Motion by Hartje, second by Wenzel for a second resolution costing $20,000 to begin replacing microwave system.

    Other Sites:

    Hillpoint was considered. Not certain about Spring Green. We will be looking at Lake Delton first, then funnel back to Spring Green. There is a good location at Rt. 60 and this site will be pursued.

Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday February 4, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. at the EOC Meeting room, Sauk County Courthouse.

Motion by Motgomery, second by Hartje to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt, January 8, 2004