Communications Infrastructure Committee

Date: February 4th, 2004

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Donald Stevens,

Members Absent: Charles Montgomery & William Wenzel

Others Present: Steve Pate, Phil Raab, Kevin Stieve, Dennis Kluge, Tim Stieve

  1. Meeting called to order by Bychinski at 8:15 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Stevens, second by Hartje to approve agenda.

  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve minutes of last meeting with one correction add Dennis Kluge to others present and delete Jerry Strunz.
  4. Communications: Virgil inquired as to when the Bradley's would be paid. Tim Stieve to check with Corporation Counsel.
    1. a. Hemlock tower:
      Putting bid package together now for the foundation and erection of the tower. Committee would like to have that resolution to board this month. Tim explained that the permit process through Sauk County Board of Adjustments won't happen until March so that will be a limiting factor in the construction process. Moved by Hartje, second by Stevens that we have a resolution ready for the February County Board meeting regarding the construction of the tower foundation and erection of the tower. Motion Carried. Discussed the fiber optics solution versus microwave, still researching this.
      b. Courthouse Tower:
      Waiting to hear when we will need to appear before the City of Baraboo regarding the permit
      process, waiting for engineering information from Nextel engineers so that we can get that
      reviewed by our engineers.
    2. c. Fiber ring:
      Have not received much more information since our 1/20/04 meeting prior to County Board.
      Still working on researching pricing of fiber versus microwave. It was noted that the price of $1.3 million discussed at the 1/20/04 meeting was strictly for putting the fiber in, there would
      still be cost for edge devices, maintenance issues such as diggers hotline, etc. and these are the
      costs we are trying to identify in our price comparison versus fiber.
    3. d. Other Tower sites:
      Will be meeting with Don Stevens on 2/5/04 to review sites in Hillpoint area. No other
      specifics on other sites other than we have several companies interested in possible
      partnerships similar to the Courthouse deal where they would build the tower for us in
      exchange for space on the tower.
    4. e. Update on Licensing issues:
      Still waiting to hear from FCC. Phil checking with the State Coordinator daily. Tommy Lee
      suggested contacting some Federal legislative personnel to see if they can help move process
  5. Next Meeting.
    Next regular meeting to be March 3rd. Special meeting prior to County Board on February
    19th, to review bids for foundation construction and erection of Hemlock tower.
  6. Adjournment:

Motion by Stevens, second by Hartje to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, February 13th, 2004