Communications Infrastructure Committee
DATE: June 2nd, 2004
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Donald Stevens & Robert Sinklair.
Others Present: Dena Weinke, Phil Raab, Kevin Stieve, Steve Pate, Chad Hendee, Kerry Beghin, Halsey Sprecher, Tim Stieve
Meeting called to order by Bychinski at 8:15 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
- Adopt agenda: Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to adopt agenda.
- Adopt minutes: Motion by Stevens, second by Hartje to approve minutes of last meeting. Carried.
- Communications: Chad Hendee briefed the Committee on the property acquisition process. Committee urged Chad to help move purchases along as quickly as possible, especially in the Sauk City area.
- Business Items:
- Hemlock: Waiting for power company to plow in power, rain has slowed the plowing, Hill Electric is scheduled, fencing is scheduled, Phil & Tim will complete building repairs. Committee requested that the climbing steps be moved up about ten feet, Phil will take care of this. Discussed the fiber from LaValle Tower to Reedsburg Tower. LaValle is providing fiber from the tower to the edge of Reedsburg, we will have to install our own fiber from that point to the tower. Discussed possibility of working with Reedsburg to get fiber to tower and working with Lightwave to engineer the fiber to the Reedsburg Tower. Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to move forward with installing fiber from the edge of Reedsburg to the Tower site.
- Courthouse: Same old story, waiting to hear back from NEXTEL. Beginning the process of running circuits over the T-1.
- Sauk City. The Co-op was not willing to sell for the $10,000. In searching we have a potential willing seller , Roger Lindloff who owns property on Old O. Phil & Tim visited with Roger at the site. The site appears to be even better than the co-op site. Discussed what it might take to purchase. Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens that we offer $5,000 per acre to start.
- Lake Delton. Still working with the Township of Delton on all the proper steps per their ordinance.
- Hillpoint. Still no willing sellers have come forward in that area. Phil & Tim to take another look at Whitemound Park area.
- Merrimac. Ramaker working on the engineering. As soon as that is completed can move forward.
- Spring Green. Have a potential willing seller with property on Thuli Road, Gene Neuheisel. Will begin moving forward once we can settle on the site.
- Fiber Optics vs. Microwave. Discussed the difference between Fiber Optics, Microwave and lease lines. Tim & Phil do not believe that leasing lines for others for emergency services communications is a good idea and should not be considered as a long term solution. Discussion followed on Fiber vs. Microwave. Discussed prices of both. Discussed bids received for Fiber Optic engineering. Motion by Hartje, second by Sinklair that we move forward with the Fiber Optic Loop.
Carried. Moved by Stevens, second by Sinklair to hire Lightwave Networks, LLC for the Engineering, CAD and Project Management for this Fiber Optic Loop at an approximate cost of $299,476.44.
- Kerry Beghin and Gene Wiegand discussed the bonding that is available for this project and the time frame for the spend down on the bonding. Basically the $3.45 million must be spent within a 2 year period to keep from being assessed penalties that would cost a fair amount.
- Nothing received back yet on licenses.
- 6. Next Meeting.
Next regular meeting to be July 7th, 2004 @ 8:15 am in the EOC meeting room.
- 7. Adjournment:
Motion by Hartje, second by Sinklair to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, June 16th, 2004