Communications Infrastructure Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: July 21, 2004

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery & William Wenzel

Others Present: Phil Raab, Kevin Stieve, Gene Wiegand, Art Carlson, Kevin Wilkens, Mark
Cupp, Jim Staff, Tim Stieve

Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Virgil Hartje at 10:15 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Wenzel to adopt agenda.

Adopt minutes: Motion by Wenzel, second by Montgomery to approve minutes of last meeting. Carried.

Business Items:

Discuss Concerns of Lower Riverway: Tim Stieve briefed Committee on what has been happening in the Spring Green area as far as the tower site search over the past 8-10 months. Tim asked Mark Cupp, Executive Director of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway Board, to address the concerns of the Board. Concern is mainly that the tower will be visible for about a six (6) mile section along the river and there are concerns that this will deter from the overall mission of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway Board.

Discussion followed regarding this concern. Jim Staff, the Sauk County representative on the Lower Wisconsin Riverway Board, indicated that ideally they would prefer that there not be any towers erected in the area, however, it is difficult to argue the public safety need for the tower. Mr. Staff indicated that possibly painting the tower to reduce the visual impact of the tower would most likely be an acceptable solution to him and the remainder of the Board. Both Mark & Jim acknowledged that the Board has no control over the tower siting but wished to express their concerns. Communications Committee members acknowledged that they are willing to look into the alternative of painting the tower in an effort to address the visual impact but that they were not inclined to add more towers.

Next Meeting.

Next regular meeting to be August 11th, 2004 @ 10:00 am at the Lavalle Tower Site with lunch to follow.


Motion by Montgomery, second by to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, July 21st, 2004