Date: October 6, 2004
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Donald Stevens, Robert Sinklair, Charles Montgomery
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Todd Liebman, Steve Pate, Gene Wiegand Mark Cupp of Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
Update on Fiber Optics discussion of next loop: Research is being done to get pricing on the edge devices.
Ellis McFadzen is working on the engineering. Question was raised about laying the conduit during the current Broadway Street project; the cost would be about $10,000.
Raab reported the vaults are being put in from Reedsburg tower to the Highway and it could be up and running by the end of November.
Merrimac: Corporation Counsel is attempting to work with the bank on the now foreclosed property on the Water Tower site.
Courthouse: Stieve is waiting to hear from engineers and then can move forward with , the cost is estimated at around $10,000. Nextel might be interested in doing something at our Highway site. Todd Liebman will be taking another look at our contract with US Cellular on the Reedsburg site.
Hemlock: Raab has some prices for generators and still needs to look at one more. He will look into purchasing versus renting an LP tank.
Lake Delton: We are waiting for final word from the FAA in case of other possible requirements, otherwise it's good to go. Raab will be receiving a delivery schedule for the tower itself from Sabre.
Hillpoint: Waiting to hear from the DNR on White Mound; also looking at 9 towers versus 10 towers; still seeking a site.
The existing Spring Green site will be decommissioned.
Sauk City: Stieve has a meeting with Co-Op Country Partners this Thursday, and was told by Planning & Zoning this needs to go on Board of Adjustments.
Spring Green Site: Stieve met with Village Board, every site has been looked at. Best site is still Thuli Road, in conjunction with White Mound. Options are: a 250' at or near the Water Tower in Spring Green, a 250' on the school property in the Village of Spring Green, go to Thuli Road and drop the height to 180'. The last three options would require a 10th tower. Stieve distributed photos of the simulated tower at both the Water Tower and the River Valley High School and 180' on Thuli Road.
Village of Spring Green would have to change their ordinance to get approval of anything over 75' tall.
Stieve sent a letter to River Valley School outlining the County's needs.
Discussion took place on 9 towers versus 10 towers. Nine towers is still very good and is still our recommendation, but with opposition we may need to go to 10 towers, which would be slightly better. A 10th tower will add approximately $500,000 and it would cost $5,000 per year to maintain an additional tower.
Mark Cupp posed several questions to the Committee members and mentioned there is still a visibility concern. His recommendation at this time is to pursue a 250' tower in the vicinity of the High School.
A roll call vote was taken with all members voting aye to move into closed session.
Next regular meeting to be November 3rd, 2004 @ 8:15 am at the EOC Meeting Room at the Sauk
County Courthouse.
Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt
Date Submitted: October 7th, 2004