Date: October 15th, 2004
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Donald Stevens, Charles Montgomery
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Todd Liebman, Mark Cupp, Joel Gaalswyk, Joe Prantner, Larry Volz, WRPQ Radio, Baraboo News
Closed session regarding Merrimac Property. Moved by Montgomery, 2nd by Stevens to go into closed
Session. Roll Call vote taken with all members present voting aye.
Committee reconvened in open session.
Discussion on resolution approving bidding on Real Property in the Village of Merrimac . Moved by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve resolution.
Motion carried.
Discussion on resolution of Necessity for Acquisition of Property as part of the Communications Infrastructure Project. Moved by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve resolution.
Motion carried.
Discussion on resolution to amend budget on Communication Infrastructure Project for a 10th Tower. No motions made, resolution fails.
Discussion and possible resolutions authorizing purchase of property in the Township of Prairie du Sac. Tim reported he is working with Co-op Country Partners and may have a site selected. Per Todd Liebman, committee is authorized by previous resolution to move forward on this without further resolution. Committee advised Tim to get this site going.
Discussion and possible resolutions authorizing purchase of property in the Township of Spring Green and the Village of Spring Green. Because there was nothing settled on property purchases no resolutions were prepared. Moved by Montgomery to go with a 250 foot Tower on Thuli Road, second by Hartje.
Motion Carried.
Due to the need to meet prior to November 2nd, the date on which the Merrimac property will go to auction, the next regular meeting was rescheduled for November 1st, 2004 @ 7:30 a.m. at the EOC Meeting Room.
Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted: Timothy Stieve, October 18th, 2004