Communications Infrastructure Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: November 1 , 2004

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Donald Stevens, & Robert Sinklair, Charlie Montgomery.

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Todd Liebman, Chad Hendee, Mark Cupp, Joel Gaalswyk

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Bychinski at 7:30a.m. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Hartje, second by Montgomery to adopt agenda. Carried.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Stevens, second to Hartje to approve minutes of last meeting. Carried.
  4. Communications: None
  5. Business Items:
    1. Update on Fiber Optics: Reedsburg nearly ready for fiber to be installed. Bids due on Friday, November 5th for Delton, Baraboo, Reedsburg, Happy Hill Loop. Will need to meet prior to County Board to review bids and adopt resolution.
    2. Courthouse: Stieve has spoken to Terra Consulting. Issues exist with what is there and what is showing on the plans for guy anchors and the tower. This makes it near impossible for an engineer to sign off on solutions. Tower would need to be mapped and analyzed, they are not sure it will pass today's codes. Will continue working with them to come up with a solution.
    3. Hemlock: Just waiting to get fiber connected. Nothing back from Dave Lull yet.
    4. Lake Delton : Waiting for final word from the FAA in case of other possible requirements, otherwise it's good to go.
    5. Hillpoint: DNR not interested in trading property in Whitemound Park for the Nachreiner property. Lease is still in the works. Don Stevens spoke with Mr. Wittman, still trying to connect with him to discuss a property purchase.
    6. Sauk City : Stieve has sent out waiver to neighbor and lease to Co-op Country Partners. As soon as paperwork is returned we can get started. Have worked with Prairie Plumbing and Heating to use a tower they own at old Sauk City Foods site to help with pager coverage until we can get the tower up.
    7. Spring Green site : Todd has mailed a lease purchase agreement to Mr. Neuheisel. Resolutions regarding the Chapter 32 process would go to County Board in December. Rob Sinklair indicated he has received several emails regarding this topic. He feels that we should get the Village of Spring Green on board with the 9 tower solution. Discussion followed. Don Stevens indciated that he had numerous contacts regarding this and generally speaking they are in favor of the 9 towers solution. Discussed possible public meeting. Todd noted that taking this forward to the County Board would allow for the opposition and support to come forward and have this settled at that point. Discussed having information sent out on this topic. Nothing voted on but Tim Steve will send a letter letting the various municipalities and agencies know what action was taken by committee and ask for letters of support.
    8. Resolution to Change Chapter 32 of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances: Move by Hartje, second by Montgomery to approve resolution. Discussion followed. Rob Sinklair noted he believes this is the right thing to do but that it shouldn't be done until after the Thuli Road Site is developed. Motion was voted on and carried.
    9. Resolution to Purchase Communications Shelters. Move by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve resolution. Discussion followed. Tim noted still getting pricing and will have all pricing by Wednesday. Delivery charges were noted by bids received thus far. Discussed purchasing all at one time and staging them. It was noted that this would require moving them twice. Motion carried with the understanding that we research the shipping cost and whether or not we can handle them when staged. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting aye to move into closed session. Committee reconvened in open session.
  6. Next Meeting -Next regular meeting to be December 1@ 8:15 am at the EOC Meeting Rm. in Sauk County Courthouse.
  7. Adjournment :

Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, November 1, 2004