Environmental Resources Committee Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Environmental Resources Committee - Solid Waste Management Department was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in Room 213 of the Sauk County West Square Building. Chairman Haugen certified compliance with the open meetings law in that the meeting was properly posted and all parties duly notified.


Member present: Haugen, Stevens, Lombard, Cassity, Krueger

Also present: Carroll


Motion was made by Cassity and seconded by Lombard to adopt the agenda as mailed. Motion carried.


Supervisor Cassity corrected a spelling error in the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Lombard to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, as corrected. Motion Carried.


Following a discussion of the bills, motion was made by Lombard and seconded by Stevens to approve payment of the bills presented, totaling $48,631.23. Motion carried.


Supervisor Krueger offered comment with respect to his desire to see the Solid Waste budget restored to its original proposed form and expressed concern with respect to the lack of progress made by the Committee on solid waste issues. Considerable discussion ensued with respect to the proposed budget, the transfer station, C&D operations, clean sweep, public information and education, and budgetary figures. Motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Lombard to offer a floor motion when the County Board approves the budget to restore the solid waste budget to the originally requested amounts. Supervisor Cassity offered to put the motion on the floor. Roll call vote was taken on the motion, with all members voting "aye". Motion carried. Unanimous. None absent.


The solid waste manager reviewed recent discussion with the Finance Committee concerning the financial policy for solid waste department funds. The solid waste manager reported that the accounting department had been directed by the Finance Committee to develop a financial policy which would be protective of all designated funds, not just solid waste department funds. The solid waste manager further reported that Administrative Coordinator Gene Wiegand had been making progress on alternative investment options, and was following leads for the most promising potential investment vehicles. The solid waste manager recommended scrapping the proposed financial policy in view of the Finance Committee's recent action. Motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Haugen to withdraw the proposed financial policy resolution from County Board consideration. Motion carried. Unanimous. None absent.

The Committee then discussed the proposed agreement with Zech Forest Products for C&D waste recycling operations and actions taken by the County Board at its previous meeting on the subject matter. After a lengthy discussion of objections to the contract, recycling operations, material markets, contract language, and resolution drafting and review procedures, motion was made by Haugen and seconded by Krueger to resubmit the Zech agreement to the County Board for consideration at its next regular meeting. Motion carried. Unanimous. None absent.


The solid waste manager reported that the final lift of the landfill was being constructed and that surveying crews were laying out staking for final grade adjustments. The solid waste manager further reported that significant volumes of trash would need to be relocated from sideslope areas, which are presently steeper than design approvals, and that after grading, intermediate cover would need to be applied.


The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, November 2, 2004 at 9:00 am. Motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried.