Members Present: P. Endres, H. Sprecher, W. Wenzel, and V. Hartje.
Members Absent: Montgomery
Others Present: G. Wiegand, B. Mielke, C. Hendee, C. Ederer-Sklar, M. Koehler, L. Armbrust, L. Haugen, L. Gurney, K. Hanna, B. Winter, P. Hamilton, P. Dietman and news media representative.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Endres at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Hartje to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2004 meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.
Chairperson Endres noted the following:
County Clerk Mielke noted receipt of an e-mail from Supervisor Kriegel regarding elimination of the receptionist position in the West Square Building.
Supervisor Haugen and Lance Gurney, Planning and Zoning Administrator, updated Committee members on the most recent meeting and activities involving the division of Badger Army Ammunition Property and distributed copies of documents pertaining to the issue. Discussion followed with a consensus being for Supervisor Haugen and Mr. Gurney to draft a resolution to be presented to the County Board by the Executive and Legislative and Planning and Zoning/Land Records Committees urging the land division process at Badger to continue moving forward in a timely manner.
Acting Corporation Counsel Chad Hendee distributed copies of a draft ordinance amending Chapter 35, Sauk County Code of Ordinances relating to duties and powers of Administrative Coordinator and reviewed same with Committee members.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, suggested a meeting be held immediately following the April election between County Board Supervisors, Department Heads, and himself to establish priorities relative to the 2005 budget, and beyond; some Committee members expressed concern in newly elected County Board members having sufficient familiarity with County issues to establish County policy so quickly . Wiegand distributed graphs which indicated County levy rates on a per capital basis and expressed his lack of support in the proposed ordinance change.
Motion was made by Sprecher, seconded by Hartje to change Section 35.05(2)(a) of the proposed ordinance to read, " .....However, the Administrative Coordinator is authorized to suspend a non-elected Department Head with pay until the oversight Committee can meet" and to forward the ordinance to the County Board for consideration at the next meeting. A a special meeting of the E&L Committee will be held prior to the Board session to review the ordinance.
Motion carried.
Michele Koehler, Personnel Director, was in attendance at the meeting and noted if the proposed changes to Chapter 35 are adopted, subsequent revisions to the Personnel Ordinance will also be required.
Karna Hanna, Sauk County Development Coordinator; Bill Winter, Area Development Manager with the Wisconsin Department of Commerce; Patricia Hamilton, Director of the Sauk County Housing Authority; and Paul Dietman, Sauk County Agricultural Agent addressed the Committee and presented material relative to the creation of a County Wide Revolving Loan Program. Considerable discussion and question/answer period followed as well as talk on the administration of the program by the Sauk County Development Corporation.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Wenzel to support this program and forward a resolution to the
County Board for consideration.
Motion carried.
Gene Wiegand will execute the Citizen Participation Plan and draft a resolution to be adopted by the County Board approving the plan.
Attorney Hendee distributed copies of a draft ordinance creating Chapter 42 Sauk County Code of Ordinances Emergency Management. Corrine Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Director, explained the ordinance was needed to comply with statutory requirements designating an individual responsible for the declaration of emergencies. Supervisor Wenzel questioned the need for input from Law Enforcement with Ms. Ederer-Sklar responding the ordinance dealt strictly with Emergency Management issues. Motion was made by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to approve forwarding the ordinance to the County Board for consideration. Motion carried with Supervisor Wenzel voting naye.
Les Armbrust, Veterans' Service Officer, presented his monthly report and list of bills and noted receiving considerable feedback in support of providing the veterans' newsletter more than twice a year. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Hartje to approve the report, list of bills in the amount of $1,713.90 as well as a request to attend the CVSO Association meeting in Viroqua on February 6 and Sauk County American Legion Day at the VAMC in Tomah on February 8.
Motion carried.
Corrine Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Director, presented her monthly report and list of bills followed with a motion by Hartje, seconded by Wenzel to approve the report and list of bills in the amount of $17,675.42 (2003) and $3,996.59 (2004).
Motion carried.
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented her monthly report and list of bills. Mielke noted it has been past practice of the County Board to have a photograph taken at the March meeting in even numbered years and sought Committee input on continuing the tradition; Committee members were in favor and arrangements will be made by the Clerk's Office.
Mielke informed Committee members of ongoing issues associated with the voting equipment stored and used in the County Board Room; specifically problems with the tampering and disruption of the equipment when the room is used by other County or outside agencies. Mielke urged limiting the use of the room to County Board meetings only. Discussion followed and Mielke was urged to contact the MIS Department and County Property Committee in an attempt to avert the problem and continue to allow use of the room by others.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and list of bills for the County Clerk in the amount of $17,739.88.
Motion carried.
Chad Hendee, Acting Corporation Counsel, presented the monthly report and list of bills for his department. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 19.85(1)(f) "conferring with legal counsel for the governing body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation to which it is or is likely to become involved" and allow G. Wiegand, B. Mielke, and M. Koehler to remain. Roll call vote was taken on the motion with the following results: AYES: (4) Endres, Hartje, Wenzel, and Sprecher. Motion carried and the Committee went into closed session at 11:55 A.M.
At 12:00 noon the Committee returned to open session followed with a motion by Hartje, seconded by Wenzel to approve the report and monthly list of bills for the Corporation Counsel in the amount of $1,068.16.
Motion carried.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, presented his monthly report highlighting:
Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and monthly list of bills in the amount of $5.13.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c) considering...performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the (governmental) body has jurisdiction, discussion of personnel related issues and allow B. Mielke, G. Wiegand and M. Koehler to remain. Roll call vote was taken on the motion with the following results: AYES: (4) Endres, Wenzel, Sprecher, and Hartje. Motion carried and the Committee went into closed session at 12:20 P.M.
At 1:30 P.M. the Committee returned to open session. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Hartje to adjourn and set the next regular meeting date for Tuesday, March 2, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 1:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk