Executive and Legislative Committee - Minutes

DATE:Tuesday, October 5, 2004
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: Room 213, West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: W. Wenzel, C. Montgomery, P. Endres, H. Sprecher, and V. Hartje.

Others Present: G. Wiegand, B. Mielke, T. Liebman, C. Ederer-Sklar, D. Keylock, and L. Volz.

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wenzel at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Endres to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as amended. Motion carried.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Hartje to approve the minutes of the September 7 & 21, 2004 meeting as mailed. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

* Supervisor Larry Volz spoke near the end of the meeting on a public comment issue.

Supervisor Endres announced the Commission on Aging will be holding an Aging Fair at the Baraboo High School on October 28th and invited members to attend.

Chair Wenzel informed Committee members of an upcoming meeting to be held on Friday, October 8th at the Farm Kitchen in Baraboo. The meeting will deal with issues related to Highway 12 construction.

Administrative Coordinator Wiegand informed Committee members he had been contacted by DNR representative Ruthie Badger wishing to hold a meeting with Sauk County representatives concerning long term planning in regard to issues that affect the County. Wiegand will inform Committee members when the exact date of the meeting has been established.

Wiegand further noted grant documents from the DOC have been received on one of the dairy loans previously authorized through the revolving loan process with Sauk County; final paperwork still remains to be signed.

It was announced former County Board member and Chair Roger Shanks of Merrimac had recently passed away and funeral arrangements were pending.

Supervisors Hartje and Montgomery questioned the wisdom of plans to reduce the County's mil rate for 2005, as indicated by preliminary reports following departmental budget review. A brief discussion followed and Wiegand indicated this was the recommendation of the Finance Committee, however, final review and approval will be a decision made by the entire County Board.

Supervisor Sprecher informed the Committee he had recently spoken with the owner of a wild animal located in the Township of Prairie du Sac who was considering moving to another location within the County. Discussion followed regarding the urgency to update the Sauk County Animal Control ordinance in order to deal with situations of this nature.

Chair Wenzel briefly reported on attending the recent WCA convention, noting he felt several of the workshops were very educational and worthwhile.

The Chair announced he plans to appoint members to the Health Care Center Ad Hock Committee and the Baraboo/Sauk County UW Residence Hall Committee at the October Board meeting. Committee members asked that the list of planned appointments to the Health Care Center Ad Hock Committee be sent to County Board members prior to the meeting.

Consideration of a Resolution That Allows for the Authorization to Contract with the Sauk County Housing Authority for Management of Rental Property:

G. Wiegand distributed draft copies of a resolution entitled, "Authorization to Contract with the Sauk County Housing Authority for Management of Rental Property". The resolution was discussed as it particularly pertains to recent property purchased by Sauk County on the West Square, as well as issues related to maintenance and insurance. Wiegand noted plans are to maintain this structure as rental property until such time as it becomes necessary to demolish the building for additional parking. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Montgomery to recommend forwarding the resolution to the County Board at the October session for consideration. Motion carried.

Veterans Service Office:

Diane Keylock, Acting Veterans Service Officer, presented her monthly report and list of bills. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to approve the report and monthly bills in an amount of $2,383.03. Motion carried. The recruitment and hiring process for a replacement Service Officer was briefly discussed.

Emergency Management, Buildings and Safety:

C. Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Director, presented the monthly bills and report for her department. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and list of bills in the amount of $8,449.91. Motion carried.

County Clerk's Office:

Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented her monthly report and list of bills. Motion by Endres, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and list of bills in an amount of $3,990.96. A short discussion on the cost of copy machine maintenance contracts followed and the Administrative Coordinator was instructed to investigate the total cost of maintenance contracts for the County. Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel's Office:

Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, presented a monthly report, performance measurement standards and list of bills for his department. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the report, list of bills in the amount of $1,142.72, and request to attend the 2004 Legal Ethics Seminar on October 22, 2004 in Madison. Motion carried. Upon a request by Supervisor Hartje, the Corporation Counsel was instructed to investigate the legality of requiring applicants for certain County positions to undergo a physical examination prior to being hired.

Administrative Coordinator:

Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, presented a monthly report and list of bills for his department. He reported work on the budget is proceeding well and indicated other areas of work for the preceding month involved: a meeting with County and City of Baraboo representatives concerning safety issues from removal of the old island woolen mill and dam, application review process for the position of Veterans Service Officer, and meeting with UWEX representatives concerning the strategic planning process. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Montgomery to approve the monthly report and bills for the Administrative Coordinator. Motion carried.

Some Committee members expressed concern and asked the Administrative Coordinator to investigate with the Accounting Department tax issues related to mileage and earned income expenses.

* Supervisor Larry Volz addressed the Committee at this point (under public comment) and expressed concern over the pending change in format planned for real estate tax bills. He was advised the change had been approved by the Finance Committee and was directed to address the issue with the County Treasurer.

Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting for MONDAY, November 1, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Secretar, Sauk County Clerk