Finance Committee
DATE: Tuesday, December 14, 2004
TIME: 8:30 a.m.
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meetings.
- Communications.
- Business Items.
- Consider resolution Authorizing the Department of Human Services to Accept the Donation of the Wagner Foundation. (Orth, Horkan)
- Consider resolution to Eliminate One Full Time Jailer Position and Create one Full Time Jail Programs Administrator Position for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department Outside of the 2005 Budget Process. (Koehler, Hafemann)
- Discuss potential impacts from implementation of Statewide Voter Registration (SWVR). (Mielke)
Discuss resolution Opposing Further Limitations on
Sauk County's Ability to Levy Necessary Taxes and Supporting the Removal of Existing Limitations.
- Treasurer's Department Update.
- Monthly report.
- Review and approval of vouchers.
- Accounting Department Update.
- Monthly report.
- Review and approval of vouchers: Accounting Department and entire County.
- Next Meeting.
- Adjournment.
COPIES TO: County Clerk Beghin Schauf Web Liaison Wiegand Crowley
DATE NOTICE MAILED: December 9 , 2004
PREPARED BY: Accounting Department