Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: June 8, 2004

Members Present: T. Kriegl, W. Wenzel, A. Dippel, T. Bychinski, J. Fordham

Others Present: P. Holcomb, J. Crowley, G. Wiegand, K. Schauf, T. Brenson, L. Haugen, M. Higgs, K. Cady, B. Konkel, B. Muhlenbeck

Dippel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and compliance with the open meeting law was verified. Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to approve the minutes from the prior meetings. Motion carried.


Business Items:
Consider reallocation of 2004 Land Conservation budget to replace a demolished vehicle.

Consider resolution for a $25,000 loan to the Tri-County Airport to purchase and install a larger fuel tank and dispenser for fuel sold at the airport.

Preliminary discussion of 2005 budget requests.

Treasurer's Update J. Crowley updated the Committee on activities within the department. Investigation of alternatives to investment of funds from bonding to allow for greater interest revenue over the pool is being researched. Insurance will be purchased if needed. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $28,387.04. Motion carried unanimously.

Consider resolution authorizing an agreement with the Baraboo National Bank to utilize commercial internet banking.

Consider 2005 budget mission, vision and goals.

Treasurer's Update: J. Crowley updated the Committee on activities within the department. Investigation of alternatives to investment of funds from bonding to allow for greater interest revenue over the pool is being researched. Insurance will be purchased if needed. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $28,387.04. Motion carried unanimously.

Accounting Update: P. Holcomb updated the Committee on activities within the department. Status of audit and compliance with GASB 34. Shortages in staff at the Health Care Center and early retirements were noted. Motion by Bychinksi, second by Kriegl, to extend the Virchow Krause contract for an additional two years of auditing services. Motion carried. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of Accounting's invoices in the amount of $29,159.32. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the County invoices in the amount of $2,656,211.78. Motion carried unanimously.

Next meeting is June 15, 2004, at 5:45 p.m. for the approval of bills. Next regular Finance Committee meeting is on July 13, 2004, at 8:30 a.m. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joan Fordham