Health Care Center Committee
DATE: Thursday, October 7, 2004
Time: 8:30am
Conference Room, Sauk County HCC
S4555 Hwy CH
Reedsburg, WI 53959
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meeting law
- Adopt agenda
- Adopt minutes of previous meetings
- Communications
- Public comment
- Report on Environmental Services Recognition Week - Leeck
- Discussion and Consideration of a Resolution for the emergency repair of the West elevator - McClary
- Discussion and Consideration of a Resolution for purchase of washer - McClary
- Discussion and Consideration of purchasing appliances for the Activity Department Kitchen - Burggraf
- Review and Approval of bad debt write-offs - Buttonow
- Review and Acceptance of monthly donations - Leeck
- Administrator's Report - Leeck
- Personnel Department Report - Pope
- Review and Approval of vouchers/receipts review - Buttonow
- Review and Approval of financial statements - Buttonow
- Business Office Report - Buttonow
- Next meeting
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: County Clerk Carlson Volz Endres Borleske Bychinski Pope Wiegand Buttonow Web Liaison
DATE NOTICE MAILED: October 1, 2004
PREPARED BY: Jeanne Leeck, S.W., Administrator Sauk County Health Care Center