Health Care Center Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 9, 2004

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson; Larry Volz; Linda Borleske; Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres; Jeanne Leeck, Administrator; Katie Pope, Personnel Manager; Lisa Buttonow, Business Manager and Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator.

1. Called to order at 1:05 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.

2. Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the minutes of the previous two meetings. Motion carried.

4. Communications. Communication was read from Robert Schlict, Wipfli and Associates, thanking the HCC for allowing him to be a part of the study. He also made comments in regards to the decisions for size of the facility and respect for supporting our mission to care for Sauk County Residents.

5. Discussion about replacement Refrigerators. Jeanne discussed the need for replacing more refrigerators and that 3 had been purchased to replace those not meeting code for temperatures. Further discussion and determination of needs and bids may be brought before the committee in September if there is an indicated need.

6. Discussion of a Resolution creating a Sauk County Health Care Center Building Project Committee and Transferring Reserved Fund Balance from General Fund to Health Care Center Fund. Mr. Wiegand stated that there has been $1 million dollars set aside for consideration of the building of the new facility for some time. He further explained that the need for the resolution was so that the process would be started with the result being a proposal to make to the Full Board to plan an estimate for the cost, the projected resident, and the best facility to meet the needs for those people. The resolution was needed so that there would be some direction to take to the Board in the next 6 months to a year with specific plans to build and details.

There is a fiscal note that added to the Resolution and this will be forwarded to the Committee members for their review. The original will be in the Clerks office for signature prior to the Full Board Meeting on August 17, 2004.

Endres reminded the members that any consideration for alternative use for the building should consider the effect on the current treatment plant. He informed the members that the CIP committee met and discussed $15 million dollars be considered for building. Mr. Wiegand is asking the Housing Authority to do a walk through of the building to see if there was a possibility of a use for them.

Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to give approval to move forward with the Resolution to form a Sauk County Health Care Center Building Project Committee and the Fund balance transfer to finance this. Motion carried.

7. Review and Acceptance of recent Donations Jeanne read the donations received for last month. A large donation from Mrs. Dorothy Gant was received and is still being cataloged and will be presented at next months meeting. Endres requested that thank you's be sent.

Motion by Bychinski, seconded by Borleskee to approve the donations for July in the amount of $400.00. Motion carried.

8. Administrator's report. Jeanne reminded members of the car show this weekend. Also employee incentives going on regarding the Casual for a Cause and reduced price movie tickets. The Casual for a Cause profits will be used to support resident activities, and the birds, fish, and car show. Jeanne also discussed some budget issues that have surfaced with the new year budgeting. Some factors are the severe cuts from last year that the ramifications are surfacing this year, such as inadequate maintenance budget, unauthorized positions, OT costs, and casual budgeting being left out. A full time AT position was not budgeted for. Also discussed were the 24% increase in paper products, the increase in dairy products, meat, and chemicals. The MIS budget was cut significantly and will reflect in this years increase just to keep the HCC up to standards with the rest of the County. Endres suggested a special committee meeting to discuss some of the budget changes this year prior to the presentation to Finance committee at the end of the month. Jeanne will arrange this.

11. Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. She also introduced the new Business Manager, Lisa Buttonow. She is proceeding with interviews and hiring of the OTR position vacated by Denise Chandler who is moving from the area. She reported that there is full staffing for the RN's and that there are no new unemployment claims. At Bychinski's request Katie also reported that she is going to Personnel Committee Friday to present changes in starting salary for RN positions in order to improve the HCC chances of recruiting, hiring, and retaining competent RN Staff. She stated that it had been hard to get any information regarding the starting salaries for RN's in the area due to stiff competition. The proposal is for a 2 step increase for starting salaries.

12. Review and Approval of Vouchers/Receipts Review. The invoices for the month were presented to the members. Kerry Beghin requested that the committee be informed that the revenues appeared low and receivables high this month because there needed to be allocations to the patient receipts for May and June. Lisa stated that she should be able to do this for the next committee meeting.

Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to approve the invoices for the month in the amount of $144,642.91. Motion carried.

13. Business Office Report. Lisa did give some background on herself and her experience. She will be completing the vouchers and receipts for next meeting. She will be meeting with Kerry Beghin this week for more training in regards to the processes at the Health Care Center. She did note that there were considerable uncollected billing that she was looking into.

14. Next Meeting . September 2 and October 7 @ 8:30 a.m. and then starting November 4 @ 9:00 a.m. A special meeting to discuss the budget issues will be arranged at a later date. The members did discuss that there are other committees that have expressed an interest in the decisions regarding the Health Care Center future and those are welcome to attend our meetings and view the minutes.

Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to adjourn. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Linda Borleske, Secretary