PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Larry Volz, Linda Borleske, Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres, Al Dippel, Joan Wheeler, Joan Fordham, John Earl, Trish Vandre, Kerry Beghin, Jeanne Leeck, Judith Stoeckmann, Bev Muhlenbeck, Bill Orth, Diane Keylock, Kathy Schauf, Lisa Buttonow, Gene Wiegand
Michelle Heiser, Richard A. Krueger, Brent Bailey, John Muchow, Ralph Bindl, Yvonne Hood, Liz Miller, Norma Chandler, Kari Olstadt, Jerry McCulloch, Dennis Murray, and Tammy Sprecher
Dorwin Leabo, Michael J. Bryan, Janice Schultz, Mary (Maggie) Volk, (David T. Webb Sharon Horstmann and Velma Hockenberry), Nancy Manion, Nijole Etzwiler, Daniel P. Farber, Janet Kuntz, (Bob and Edith High and June Heine), and Sharyl Schlieckau.
Joel Gaalswyk and Andrea Lombard.
Supervisor White asked about the condition of the facility. Gene Wiegand indicated it is structurally sound however the major systems such as HVAC, elevators etc. have reached the end of their useful life. To bring it up to current standards would cost approximately $7 million. Also asked if facility is operating at capacity. Is not operating at licensed capacity because of staffing issues. Sewer system was discussed. Is good until at least 2017 and then will have to upgrade for ammonia levels. Wells are good. With a new facility and more efficient fixtures the water/sewer systems may last even longer. Cost of operation for water is less than in town also. Tom Bychinski of the HCC board spoke about the many repair issues which the committee has had to address recently such as the elevator doors and elevator cylinder. Present budget has money set aside for fixing steam traps also. Boilers also went out last year and needed to be repaired. Big repair issues need to be addressed. He also thanked the people who came to both public hearings for their input. We are talking about peoples lives (not just dollars) and when we need a place to go we will need the Health Care Center. Citizen concerned about where all of our residents would go if we were to close down. Mr. Wiegand indicated that we are currently working on a study to find a place for all of our residents and also how far away we will need to go. Larry Volz had several phone calls today regarding support for the HCC. Paul Endres indicated that there aren't enough beds in Sauk County to place our residents. Citizen asked if the board is going to listen to constituents? Art Carlson said he was. Also, asked if more difficult residents who need to be in a locked facility go to LaCrosse or where? We place in Boscobel and also LaCrosse. Also, send to Mendota. Mrs. Dippel indicated that the decision this committee makes will impact many more people than they know (past and future) and to make an informed decision committee members should all spend time in the facility with those people that you are making the decision for. People in jail had a choice however residents of HCC didn't. Visit with the residents and get to know the staff.
Linda Borleske felt the two cite free surveys speak for themselves and the public has spoken about how wonderful the care is. Paul Endres indicated that in addition to the two public hearings we had the Keefe Study which indicated that over 90% of the people of Sauk County supported continuing in the health care business. Only one person was undecided/negative other than that was 100% in favor of staying in the business so that is a mandate from the public. Tom Bychinski felt the formation of the committee has helped all members learn more about different county services and how they all work together to provide for our citizens. Bill Orth felt we have an opportunity to improve the care to residents to this county and can work together even more in the future. Judith Stoeckmann felt this committee with department heads and county board members working together has been very valuable as a learning opportunity to come up with a plan to provide the best service we can provide. Gene Wiegand indicated the charge of the committee was to look at the continuum of care that is provided in Sauk County. Given the demographics we can't build a facility big enough to meet all of the needs of future residents. We have to build on the entire continuum of care so more people are able to be cared for in their homes, assisted living etc. Have to look at entire range of services provided by the county and bring them up to the level needed in the future. Joan Wheeler indicated that we have found out that the HCC is a jewel but not big enough for the whole county. Is care here a right? If it is, then most citizens aren't getting it. Some will have to go to the private nursing homes. Jeanne indicated that the citizens have a right to make a choice. They choose their care provider and most often will pick the provider where the Dr. is such as Sauk City residents staying in Sauk City etc. The HCC does get residents from all parts of the county. Periodically have a shortage of nurses which impacts on the residents we are able to care for. Joan Fordham feels it is the obligation of board members to consider all the options. After hearing from Manitowoc County and the enthusiasm for their decision to build she would like to hear from a representative from a county that has closed a facility. Gene indicated that the Director of Human Services from Juneau County will be here at 2:00 on January 5 if we could hold our next meeting then. Ms. Fordham also expressed appreciation to the people who have attended these hearings as well as the information which was given by department heads. Gene stated that the committee would not be doing it's job if it did not look at the numbers. Committee has to look at all of the information available. Mr. Muchow asked if information regarding county funds used for prisoners/juveniles or those receiving services out of the county etc. would be available. Gene indicated the county budget would a good source for that information. Information would be available on the Website. We can provide information to the press etc., but can't publish it on our own. Will be available to local media. Rose White asked if the committee will be making a recommendation to the full board. Gene indicated yes. This committee needs to report on what they have learned and the conclusions drawn based on that information.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Paul Endres, Secretary