Judiciary & Executive and Legislative Committee
DATE: Thursday March 11, 2004
TIME: 8:30 am
Branch I Jury Room
- Call to order and certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adoption of the agenda.
- Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Tiffany Walker Program Services Director for ATTIC, to appear to discuss Community Service.
- Cara Cregar-Heidt from CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for Columbia and Sauk Counties to appear to discuss CASA Program.
- Ruth Steinhorst to appear to request attendance at the Victim Witness Spring Conference in Eau Claire.
- Kim Vinet to appear to give an update on the Juvenile/Probate office and also request approval to attend the Wisconsin Register in Probate Association Spring Conference May 12-14, 2004, in Beaver Dam.
- Donna Mueller and Teri Radke to appear to give an update on the Clerk of Courts office and also request approval to attend the Summer Conference.
- Commissioner Leo Grill to appear to request: 1) permission to attend the 2004 Family Law Seminar sponsored by the Office of Judicial Education, Milwaukee, April 21-23, 2004; and, 2) permission for not more than 3 mediators (and Court Commissioner, if not attending 1), above, to attend "Blended Families" Seminar sponsored by the Wisconsin Inter-Professional
Committee on Divorce, Wisconsin Dells, April 22 and 23, 2004.
- Karyle Johnson to appear to discuss the following:
- Legal Statistics
- Performance
- Scheduled surgeries
- Approval of attendance of Tori Vesely and Karyle Johnson and any interested committee members at the WCSEA conference to be held April 29 & 30 at the Hotel Mead, WI. Rapids.
- A Memo submitted by Judge Evenson in lieu of his personal appearance regarding the Community Service Program and Grant Money.
- Approval of monthly vouchers.
COPIES TO: Montgomery, Williams, Giebel, Wenzel, Carlson, Mielke, Wiegand, Koehler, Evenson, Reynolds, Taggart, Grill, Barrett, Mueller, Vinet, Radke, Luck, Cregar-Heidt, Attic, and Johnson