Judiciary Committee
DATE: Friday, October 14, 2004
TIME: 8:15 a.m.
Branch II, Jury Room
Historic Courthouse
515 Oak St., Baraboo
- Call to order and certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adoption of the agenda.
- Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Discuss scheduling regular Judiciary Meetings.
- Karyle Johnson to attend to discuss the following: a) Performance; b) WCSEA Judicial Award of the Year received by Family Court Commissioner Leo Grill; c) Legal Statistics.
- Terry Radke to attend to discuss the cost increase of interpreters.
- Ruth Steinhorst to attend to request attendance at the TIME System Training on November 2 & 3 at the State patrol headquarters in DeForest
- Approval of monthly vouchers.
Notice Posted: Friday, October 8, 2004
Agenda Prepared by: Office of the District Attorney
COPIES TO: Montgomery, Tollaksen, Fordham, Sinklair, Carlson, Mielke, Wiegand, Koehler, Evenson, Reynolds, Taggart, Grill, Barrett, Mueller, Vinet, Radke, Luck, Fults, and Johnson