Judiciary Committee - Minutes

DATE: Thursday May 13, 2004

PLACE: Branch II Jury Room, Historic Courthouse

PRESENT: Montgomery, Carlson, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Johnson, Fults, David Grant, and Steinhorst

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.

Carlson made a motion, second by Sinklair to adopt the Agenda. Motion, Carried.

Carlson made a motion, second by Sinklair to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.

Karyle Johnson appeared to discuss the following: 1) Legal Statistics. 2) Performance Measures. 3) Monthly vouchers for Child Support.

Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve Karyle Johnson's attendance at the Directors' Dialogue on June 24th & 25th in Wisconsin Rapids.

Carlson made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve the Resolution "AUTHORIZATION FOR SAUK COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE STATE OF WISCONSIN JUSTICE ASSISTANCE FOR WISCONSIN INCIDENT-BASED REPORTING IMPLEMENTATION" and to take that to the next MIS meeting for approval, then to the next full County Board meeting. Motion Carried.

Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve the following monthly vouchers:

District Attorney & Victim Witness' monthly vouchers in the amount of $1,598.24

Child Support's monthly vouchers in the amount of $2,777.54

Clerk of Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount of $27,337.52

Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount $1,450.39

Register in Probate/Juvenile Clerk in the amount of $2,296.93

Court Commissioner's and Family Court Counseling Mediation in the amount of $1,033.24. Motion Carried.

Carlson made a motion, second by Sinklair to adjourn to Thursday June 04, 2004 at 10:30 a.m. at the Branch II Jury Room. Motion, Carried.

Submitted by:

Arthur Carlson

Acting Secretary