PLACE: Branch II Jury Room, Historic Courthouse
PRESENT: Montgomery, Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Evenson, Lennon, Grill, Radke, Mueller, Johnson, Barrett and Steinhorst.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Agenda. Motion Carried.
Carlson made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.
Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to approve Karyle Johnson, Tori Vesely and two other Child Support employee's attendance at the Fall Conference September 22nd to 24th at Lakewood's Resort in Cable. Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Child Support's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the Child Support Agency's monthly vouchers in the amount of $2,853.28. Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Tollaksen to approve Leo Grill's attendance at the Fall 2005 Family Court Commissioner's Conference September 23 rd and 24 th . Motion Carried.
Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adopt the Family Court Counseling's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adopt the Court Commissioner's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve Donna Mueller's attendance at the Clerk's of Circuit Court Conference October 13 th & 15 th in Marshfield. Motion Carried.
Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to approve the Clerk of Circuit Court's Mission, Visions and Goals for 2004/2005. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to adopt the Clerk of Circuit Court's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the Circuit Court's Mission, Visions and Goals for 2004/2005. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Circuit Court's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Register In Probate's 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adopt the District Attorney & Victim Witness' 2005 proposed budget. Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the following monthly vouchers:
District Attorney & Victim Witness' monthly vouchers in the amount $3,249.12
Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount of $1,464.79
Clerk of Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount of $19,282.72
Register in Probate/Juvenile Clerk in the amount of $858.00
Court Commissioner's and Family Court Counseling Mediation in the amount of $1,081.72. Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adjourn to Friday, September 3, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. in the Branch II Jury Room. Motion, Carried.
Submitted by:
Joan Fordham Secretary