Judiciary Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, October 14, 2004

PLACE: Branch II Jury Room, Historic Courthouse

PRESENT: Montgomery, Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Johnson, Radke and Steinhorst.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.

Fordham made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Agenda.
Motion Carried.

Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.

The committee discussed scheduling Judiciary regular monthly meetings. The committee agreed to schedule all regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 8:15 a.m. The Law Enforcment portion will follow at 9:30 at the Law Enforcement Center.

Karyle Johnson appeared to discuss the following: a) Performance; b) WCSEA Judicial Award of the Year received by Leo Grill, Family Court Commissioner; c) Legal Statistics.

Terri Radke appeared to explain the increase of interpreter fees would put the Clerk of Court approximately $13,872 over budget in 2005. A request was made to Finance and approved to place $13,000 back into the proposed 2005 budget to cover that increase.

Fordham made a motion, second by Sinklair to approve Shari Meyer's attendance at the TIME System Training on November 2 & 3, 2004 at the State Patrol Headquarters in DeForest. Motion carried.

Carlson made a motion, second by Fordham to approve the following monthly vouchers:

District Attorney & Victim Witness - $488.50

Circuit Courts - $694.46

Court Commissioner's and Family Court Counseling Mediation - $578.82

Child Support - $5,841.88

Register in Probate - $1,184.99

Clerk of Court August & October - $22,312.86 & $29,908.87 respectively. Motion carried.

Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adjourn to November 11, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. in the Branch II Jury Room. Motion carried.

Submitted by: Joan Fordham Secretary