PLACE: Branch II Jury Room, Historic Courthouse
PRESENT: Marcus Gums, Montgomery, Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Johnson, Radke, Grill, Daniels, Evenson and Steinhorst.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.
Fordham made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Agenda.
Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Carlson to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve the Court Commissioner/Family Court Counseling's Monthly Report and Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
Fordham made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve LaVonne Schmidt and Kay Kippley's attendance at the Performance Training in Madison on March 8, 2005. Motion carried.
Carlson made a motion second by Montgomery to approve the Child Support's Monthly Report and Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
Carlson made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve the Clerk of Court's Monthly Report and Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve the Circuit Court's Monthly Report and Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve the Register in Probate's Monthly Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
Carlson made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve District Attorney's Monthly Report and Vouchers for October 2004. Motion carried.
The Committee agreed to listen to Marcus Gumz speak if he kept it brief. Gumz stated that he still needed gravel in his driveway to report the damage done by the Sheriff's Department. Gumz also stated he is being harassed by law enforcement.
Carlson made a motion, second by Tollaksen to adjourn to December 9, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. in the Branch II Jury Room. Motion carried.
Submitted by: Joan Fordham Secretary