Land Conservation Committee Minutes

Date: December 9 , 2004

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, and Cassity from the Committee; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD; Craker was absent.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Appearances: There were none.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meetings: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on November 11.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Training events: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the list of training events.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve bills in the amount of $199,372.76.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Correspondence: Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Notes.
Van Berkel reported that Richland and Crawford counties do cost share through EQIP for the control of multi-flora rose, but according to the County Conservationist for Richland County they do not have a multi-flora rose sprayer for rent. Sauk County also provides some cost-share money through EQIP. Sauk County has not had a field day regarding multi-flora rose control, but we may want to consider this for the future in cooperation with UW-Extension. Van Berkel will check with Steve Kohlsted in Richland County to find where the sprayer on display at their field day came from.


Committee requested that Van Berkel initiate a resolution commending Carlton Peterson for service to the County for the December County Board meeting. The LCC can meet prior to County Board for approval if needed.

Van Berkel reported that the Plain-Honey Creek project at White Mound Park is nearing completion. The final buildings have been demolished, Parks will be burning the rubble soon, and Highway Department will haul away any final materials. The following steps still need completion: well closure, petition DNR for a reclassification of hazard rating, complete the fishery easement, sell properties, and submit the final reimbursement requests. Van Berkel reviewed the costs of the project and reported that there will be approximately $20,000 left in the account. He recommended that money be retained for future dam repairs rather than paying departments for their in-kind contributions. Committee agreed. The project was very successful, completing the necessary dam safety requirements, dredging the lake, and stockpiling 140,000 cubic yards of topsoil for highway use. In total about $155,000 of county outlay and $283,000 worth of in-kind contributions from the County departments were used to complete the $1,825,000 project.

Report from WLWCA Convention: Van Berkel reported that Kathy Zowin was elected as an Association representative to the state Land and Water Conservation Board at the convention. She will be bringing her enthusiasm and provide a better balance in our Association representation to the board with her lake management and urban stormwater and construction site erosion experiences.

Van Berkel reviewed the resolutions presented at the convention and their approval results.

Consider DNR Fishery Easement on Former Nachreiner Property: Van Berkel informed the LCC that the DNR easement offer is adjusted up slightly to $14,900 on the 5.2 acres. The County will still own the parcel, but the easement will provide access to DNR for improvement work and to fishers. The easement will prohibit cropping on this acreage. Van Berkel presented the offer to the Highway Committee and received their approval. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the easement sale. Motion carried. Property Committee will need to provide final approval.

DNR still will offer a $44,200 total price for outright purchase of the total 20.5 acres, including the 5.2 acres in the easement and 15.3 acres without the easement. Subtracting the $14,900 already paid would leave $29,300 as a reserve bid from DNR. Bids at the auction would need to be above this value to be worth accepting. Considering just the 15.3 acres without an easement the price would need to average $2,325/acre which seems reasonable for cropland in the area. NRCS will receive 65 percent reimbursement of the proceeds from the auction because they paid that proportion of the initial purchase cost.

Consider Offer to Salvage Hoist at Former Nachreiner Property: Van Berkel informed the LCC that Nathan Sweatt, the person taking down the barn and other buildings, is also interested in trying to salvage the hoist from Nachreiner's old shop. The Highway Committee felt that if he assumes responsibility of getting the oil out and properly filling the hole, he could have it at no cost. Motion by Cassity/Borleske to allow Mr. Sweatt to take the hoist out providing that he removes all the oil and fills the hole with clean proper fill.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Update on Farmland Preservation Program Standards: The standards previously approved by the LCC were submitted to the Land and Water Conservation Board as required by the state. The Land and Water Conservation Board approved them at their December meeting. The Committee now needs to hold a public hearing on the standards at our January LCC meeting and then approve them formally at the following meeting. Van Berkel distributed a pamphlet, "Wisconsin's Runoff Rules: What Farmers Need to Know," which will be given to everyone at the exclusive agricultural zoning meetings in January as an explanation of the revised standards requirements. The certification form used at these meetings was also modified this year to help identify the new requirements and allow FPP participants to indicate areas where they may need technical assistance to comply. Sauk County will have approximately $85,000 of Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) cost-share funds that can be used countywide to help implement the nonpoint rules in 2005. Van Berkel stated that this money could be used to target certain worst case farms.

Consideration of County Award Nominations: Van Berkel informed the LCC that the only county award nomination received was for Pheasants Forever for the Conservation Leadership Award. They have funded a summer intern for the LCD for the last four years, provided seed for a lot of our projects, provided funds at the Health Care Center, and worked with us on some educational projects. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to select Pheasants Forever for the Conservation Leadership Award.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and Approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement-Gerald and Doris Schulte: Van Berkel informed the LCC that Schulte's have had a conservation plan in place since 1987 and were previous participants in the program. They are required to sign a new contract as the previous one has expired. Motion by Lehman/Borleske to approve a 25-year agreement for Gerald and Doris Schulte.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until January 13 at 9:00 a.m., starting with the public hearing on the FPP standards, by Cassity/Zowin at 10:55 a.m.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary