Law Enforcement Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 9, 2004
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Thursday, December 9, 2004 at 10:00 A.M., in the Community Room, D102A, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present: Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair
Members Excused: Montgomery
Members Absent:
Others Present: B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, T. Stieve, R. Meister, J. Spencer, J. Prantner, D. Grant, W. Carns, T. McCutchin, D. Weinke, C. Jensen, J. Welsch, B. Manning,
- Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Vice Chair Arthur Carlson at 10:00 A.M.
- Agenda: Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham, to adopt the agenda. Carried.
- pprove Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Fordham, seconded by Sinclair, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on November 5, 2004.
- Communications:
Art Carlson reported that the Spring Green Chapter of the Lions Club has donated $200 to the Kops for Kids program.
Joan Fordham reported that Deputy Brent Rupert and Boris had done a demonstration for the Baraboo Rotary Club and it was an interesting and well done presentation.
At this time the committee moved to the appearance portion of the agenda temporarily
- Appearances:
- Employee of the Month. There was no individual award made in October. The plaque will contain a notation that the entire department was recognized.
- Report on the VISIONS Conference in North Carolina. David Grant, of the MIS Department, gave a short report on the conference. Four Sauk County employees were sent to the conference. Along with Grant, the following persons went; Wendy Carns who's the lead worker for the Records Management portion of the computer system; Toni McCutchin, lead computer liaison for the Jail module and Chris Jensen, the Communications Center contact.
Grant thanked the committee for allowing them to go to the training and gave a brief synopsis on the types of training they had been given. In addition to the various sessions and vendor exhibits there were one-on-one sessions with members of the VISIONS Client Services. The Client Services personnel were able to connect directly into the Sauk County System and look at the issues directly with the employee. Sauk County was chosen as a test site for a new mounting system for the in-car Mobile Data Terminals. Grant told the committee that there will be a major upgrade done on the system next year.
- Communications: The committee returned to the communications agenda item. Chief Deputy Prantner informed the committee that the Sheriff's Department had been notified that jailors Derek Marshall and Laurie Hanson had successfully completed the Law Enforcement Certification training at Black Hawk Technical College. Both deputies paid their own expenses and attended training on their own time. Derek Marshal has completed his training with a 97% final grade, graduating first in his class.
Vice Chair Carlson asked that both employees be commended on behalf of the committee for their initiative in pursuing certification as law enforcement officers.
District Jail Inspector Bob Lee wrote a letter thanking Sheriff Stammen and the Sauk County Sheriff's Office for hosting a regional meeting last month of UW Extension office personnel and jail administrators. The meeting was held to explore programs offered by the UW Extension that would provide training and skills for inmates.
Chief Deputy Prantner read a letter from Molly Beauregard. Beauregard wrote to express appreciation for Sergeant Joe Welsch's kindness and sensitivity while notifying her of the death of her son.
- Review and Approval of November, 2004, Bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department: Coroner Hinze reported she's over budget in the vehicle maintenance account because of repairs for a car/deer collision. However, the insurance reimbursement for the damage has been placed into a revenue account to offset the overage.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve payment of the November, 2004, bills for the Coroner in the amount of $3,667.85. Motion carried.
The Sheriff's Department's expenditures for the month of November were a combination of regular operating expenses and the purchase of a number of items that had been deferred from earlier in the year. The budget totals are healthy and increased revenue from housing out-of-county inmates has far exceeded projected income.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department's November, 2004, expenses in the amount of $140,511.89. Motion carried.
- Consideration and Approval of Joint Resolution Designating Sauk County Communications Center as the Wireless 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) forSauk County. Joint Resolution with Sauk County Property & Insurance Committee: Tim Stieve addressed the committee on this issue and told them the Property & Insurance Committee would not be joining on this resolution since it refers only to designating a PSAP. This is the first step in making application for a grant to implement caller identification information for 911 calls coming into the Communication Center from wireless phones. At present these calls come in without any identifying information. Users will begin to see a charge on each wireless phone bill of approximately 58 cents per month. The income will be used to fund the development of a database for wireless phones comparable to those identifying callers using a conventional land line. The grant monies will be used to pay for installation of special circuits to carry the wireless 911 information. Application for the grant must be made by April 1, 2005, and the PSAP has to be formally designated before grant application.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Fordham, to approve the resolution Designating Sauk County Communications Center as the Wireless 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Sauk County.
Motion carried.
- Sheriff's Report:
- . Inmate Meal Reports - 16,076 meals were provided in November, 2004
- Department Overtime Report - October, 2004, overtime was a total of 997 hours for paid overtime and compensatory time banked. There were 14 hours of supervisory overtime authorized.
- Prisoner Transport Report - There were 68 adult transports and 33 juvenile transports in November.
- Diversion Programs - Captain Hafemann reported that Sauk County has applied to the Office of Justice Assistance for a literacy grant.
- Electronic Monitoring Report - There were 442 offender days for electronic monitoring in October, 2004.
$7,080.00 was collected from inmates for the use of the electronic equipment
$2,387.00 was paid out for the lease of the electronic equipment
$4,693.00 net gain
There were 393 offender days in November, 2004
$6,290.00 was collected from inmates for the use of the electronic equipment
$2,157.25 was paid out for the lease of the electronic equipment
$4,132.75 net gain
Captain Hafemann reported that of this date there were 14 on electronic monitoring; 79 in the Huber Center; and 90 in the jail; 64 of whom are Sauk County inmates, 23 from Dane County and 3 from Iowa County; for a total of 183.
- Boarding Out-of-County Inmates Report - Dane County and Iowa County were billed a total of $51,361.50 in November for prisoner housing and mediations, bringing the year-to-date revenue to $722,011.44.
- Department Personnel Issues - Captain Hafemann stated that the Personnel Committee approved the abolishment of the position of Classification Officer/Security Division and created an exempt position of Program Administrator. The duties were expanded and further defined. There is no fiscal impact from this since the salary for the new position is the same as that established for the Classification Officer.
Chief Deputy Prantner reported that he and Captain Hafemann appeared before the Personnel Committee at their last meeting to request an increase in pay for the Field Service Captain position so that the pay scale is equal to that assigned to the Security Captain. The request was approved by the Personnel Committee.
Deputy Bradley Stoddard was promoted from a jailor position to the Electronic Monitoring Deputy, a post he's been doing on an interim basis.
Ryan Gibbs has been hired as a jailor and there are two more male jailor positions that need to be filled.
- Highway Safety Issues - Lt. Jeff Spencer said the 2005 highway safety grant amounts are still unknown. There will likely be an increase in the grant amount for alcohol enforcement but the amounts of other grants may be decreased. Three people died in crashes over the weekend bringing the total for 2004 year-to-date to eight.
- Triple III Reports - There were two car-deer collisions involving department vehicles. There was only minor damage to the squads. There were two minor employee injuries resulting from ERT and Jail inservice training, neither resulting in lost work time.
- Budget Matters - There was nothing to report under this item.
- Boat Patrol Report - Detective Sergeant Joe Welsch is in charge of the boat patrol program for the Sheriff's Department. He schedules the personnel to work patrol and also submits the Boat Patrol grant information for reimbursement by the State of Wisconsin. The past boating season was a good year for the program. Welsch said there was more patrol being done because the sign-up sheets were opened to Security Division staff members who are law enforcement and weapon certified. The jail people are paired with a Field Service deputy for the actual patrol and having increased patrol efforts increased the number of citations that were issued for violations, as well as making boating safer for all. Welsch also credited the use of two personal Polaris water craft for patrolling with the increased number of citations. The personal water crafts were loaned by Carl Statz Company of Wainage but the program won't be offered in 2005.
The boating citations were issued primarily for operating while intoxicated, operating too close to other boats and piers and skiing after dark.
- Kops for Kids - The first of the annual Christmas parties will be held on Saturday, December 11th in Reedsburg. The parties for Lake Delton, Sauk-Prairie and Spring Green will all be on December 18th. Betty Hinze said the response from the public to support the program is impressive and the event continues to grow each year.
- Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13th, 2004, at 10 AM in Room D102A, Law Enforcement Center, 1300 Lange Court.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to adjourn.
Joan Fordham, Secretary