Local Emergency Planning Committee
Minutes from Meeting on February 12, 2004
MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Nimmow, Wayne Farber, Kevin Stieve, Jeff Seering, Corene Ederer-Sklar, Dave Waffle, Tom Dorner, Steve Muchow (1:20), Nick Flugaur, Tom Jackson.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sam Howard, Paul Dietmann, Marvin Giebel, John Carroll, Bob DeMars, Tim Stieve, Beverly Muhlenbeck, Paul Endres, Larry Volz, Joe Prantner, Roger Stieve, Darlene Hill.
OTHERS PRESENT:Larry Reed, Southwest Regional Director
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Sklar at 1:00 p.m. with a quorum present. Meeting was properly posted. Motion by Farber, 2nd by Nimmow to adopt the agenda.
Motion by Waffle, second by K. Stieve to adopt the minutes from the November 13th meeting.
- Educational Subcommittee: Sklar noted the grant to do a transportation assessment, print 500 calendars and 1000 hazmat response cards was received. All members received their calendars. Dorner requested that the subcommittee meet after the May meeting for one hour to discuss the 2005 Calendar. Sklar handed around a Job Aid that is being distributed to all first responders and asked if the Committee still felt the pocket response cards should still be made. The committee discussed the difference between the two and advised to go ahead with the pocket cards. Dorner will design them.
- Hazmat/Inservice Training Subcommittee: Chair K. Stieve discussed the hazmat/ICS inservice training being conducted.
- Exercise Schedule/Plan Review Subcommittee. Sklar discussed Tier II reports from a propane dealer who hasn't reported and planning being made for an exercise being developed. Although the exercise will involve decon, at this time, it won't be a hazmat incident.
- Emergency Room Subcommittee Lack of EMS and Hospital personnel on the committee was discussed.
- HAZMAT Team Oversight Review Subcommittee: Larry Reed discussed grants available and the LEPC adopting procedures under the auspices of the LEPr a Level B Team. The subcommittee needs to meet to determine the protocol, etc. before a resolution can be done. When this is ready, Seering recommended this be a specific agenda item for discussion.
- Clean Sweep - Question of when the next clean sweep will be. Committee wanted to ask Subcommittee when they felt the next one could be held.
- Waffle discussed the explosion at Foremost Farms and the use of the SARA Off-Site plan.
- Seering also discussed the explosion
Dave Waffle advised he had not had a chance to invite the gentleman with the chemical background to the meeting. He will try to do so for the May meeting.
Sklar noted that this years Rural Safety Days is coming up and wanted volunteers for the 15 minute presentations. Nimmow again volunteered. Two or more volunteers are needed for the presentation.
Motion to adjourn until May 13, 1:00 p.m., by K. Stieve, second by Dorner.
Respectfully submitted: Corene Ederer-Sklar
Date Mailed: February 17, 2004