Local Emergency Planning Committee Minutes
DATE: August 12, 2004
MEMBERS PRESENT: Corene Ederer-Sklar, Nick Flugaur, Kevin Gunderson, Wayne Farbe (left @ 1:50 p.m.), Don Nimmow, Roger Stieve, Darlene Hill, Larry Volz, Dave Waffle (left @ 2:00 p.m.). Andrea Lombard, Tom Dorner, Joe Prantner, Warren Frank, Tom Jackson, Paul Dietmann, Allen Sanow.
MEMBERS ABSENT: John Carroll, Darlene Hill, Kevin Stieve, Jeff Seering, Tim Stieve, Bev Muhlenbeck..
OTHERS PRESENT: Larry Reed, Southwest Region Emergency Management Director.
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair C. Sklar at 1:00 p.m. with a quorum present. Meeting was properly posted. Motion by W. Farber, 2nd by R. Stieve to adopt the agenda.
Motion by D. Waffle, second by D. Nimmow to adopt the minutes from the May 13th meeting as written without reading.
Members introduced themselves to the new people present.
- Educational Subcommittee: Sklar passed around pictures and letters from Rural Safety Days. Discussion on what the LEPC has been doing for the Chemical Safety program and asking members for suggestions for different ideas next year. C. Sklar noted the subcommittee needs to meet briefly after the meeting to set a time to go over the 2005 Calendar.
- Hazmat/Inservice Training Subcommittee: Sklar advised there had been no inservice training since the Law Enforcement inservice with training geared to a hazmat incident using Incident Command.
- Exercise Schedule/Plan Review Subcommittee. Sklar discussed the Reedsburg Exercise and passed around the minutes from the Subcommittee meeting on August 11th, along with a list of all reported hazmat incident in the County since 1992. Lengthy discussion followed on the results of the study and where to go with it. Motion was made by D. Nimmow, second by A. Lombard, to send a letter of request to the Sauk County Chiefs' Association requesting Law Enforcement to pay closer attention to placarded vehicles operating in the County with regard to safe operation, (i.e. all lights working, operating within the speed limit.)
Sklar will draft the letter and submit it to Tom Dorner, current President of the Chiefs' Association. Rail traffic was discussed by T. Jackson. L. Volz advised he would be able to get the information about the items going through the County. He will bring it to the next LEPC meeting. Waffle suggested more spot checking of traffic could be done with employees needing light duty assignments. This was met favorably. Nimmow discussed a chemical explosion in Georgia. A critique of the incident was passed around. The things learned from the incident were of interest. Nimmow mentioned the need of testing equipment to determine levels of concern, what type would be needed and who might be the best people to possess them. Nimmow will be reviewing chemicals in the County facilities for chemicals heavier than air which do not burn. The subcommittee will meet and review additions that may need to be done to those plans. .
- Emergency Room Subcommittee Sklar noted many of the issues that fell under this subcommittee are being addressed in the State Hospital Consortium Steering Committee of which she is a member. She noted that although this committee is for WMD, many issues overlap the Chemical issues.
- HAZMAT Team Oversight Review Subcommittee: Sklar noted she had met with the Law Enforcement Chiefs' Association to discuss the law enforcement involvement in a team, technician training and the need for more applicants, issues still outstanding in developing a team.
- Clean Sweep: Sklar mentioned the landfill will be closing. A. Lombard advised that the Environmental Resources Committee has discussed the possibility of having a yearly clean sweep. They will meet again on September 10th. T. Dorner made a motion, second by Dietmann, that the committee write a letter to the Environmental Resources Committee in support of a yearly clean sweep and offer the services of the committee members in operating one.
- K. Gunderson noted the Nation is holding clean sweeps at six sites in the State. The Sauk County site will be held in October.
- Dietmann advised there will be a Farm Safety program on Saturday Sept 18 in Sauk Prairie by John Deere.
- Nimmow discussed an EPA notice reference reactivity information needing to be addressed. With regard to the EPA directive, W. Frank will review the chemicals in the County to see the areas of concern. W. Frank will be part of the planning subcommittee.
Sklar advised the Committee the LEPC had placed as Runner Up out of 20 LEPCs in the U.S. in the 2004 Community Awards for Chemical Safety. A member has been invited to go to Orlando, FL on September 23rd to accept the award. Anyone wishing to go should let her know.
Date were set for Fiscal Year 2005.
- November 11, 2004
- February 10, 2005
- May 12, 2005
- August 11, 2005
The 2004 Objective List was reviewed and it was decided the ER Room Subcommittee could be removed. Sklar will use her committee member report to update the committee on planning, equipment, etc. that is being done in this area by the HERSA Consortium. A copy of the proposed 2005 objective list is attached. Anyone wishing to serve on a committee who is not listed, should contact Corene.
A discussion followed on the vulnerability of anhydrous ammonia tanks that are in farmers fields. Ways to deter vandalism and theft were discussed. A. Sanow discussed possible solutions.
L. Reed advised the committee they are one of the more active LEPCs. He felt it was good to see the amount of interest shown in the meeting.
Motion to adjourn until November 11th, 1:00 p.m., by R. Stieve, second by L. Volz.
Respectfully submitted: Corene Ederer-Sklar
Date Mailed: August 13, 2004