Long Term Support Committee

DATE: May 19, 2004
425 Sixth Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Members Present: John Earl, Marie Wanless, Carol Jeffers, Betty Irwin, Bert Vallincourt, Amy Peterson, Sue Hebel, Lisa Fossedal, Gina Thill, Shell Lea Hainz

Members Absent: Harold Janechek, Charlotte Taylor, Carie Pieper, Al Dippel, Mary Brown

John Earl agreed to chair meeting in absence of Harold Janechek who was ill.

Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law and Adopt Agenda: Meeting was called to order by John Earl and certified compliance with the open meeting law. Marie Wanless moved to adopt the agenda for today's meeting, seconded by Carol Jeffers, passed by unanimous vote.

Approval of February 25, 2004, Meeting Minutes: Betty Irwin moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Amy Peterson, passed by unanimous vote.

Nomination of New Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson/Election: Marie Wanless nominated John Earl as chairperson, motion seconded by Carol Jeffers. Amy Peterson nominated Bert Vaillancourt for vice-chairperson, motion seconded by Carol Jeffers; passed by unanimous vote.

LTS/CAP Units Reorganization: Hebel described the reorganization of the Community Access Program and Long Term Support units. She will be overseeing both of these units along with three (3) lead workers: Gina Thill, Lisa Fossedal, Bridgitte Bodette.

CBRF Relocation/Life Lease Funds: Gina Thill explained the State's policy on the "Life Lease" program. This program provides funding for elderly and physically disabled persons who have resided in a nursing home for more than 90 days. We are requesting that CBRF costs for these people be exempt from the 35% limit. Vaillancourt moved to approve request, seconded by Wanless. Thill will prepare policy for next meeting.

One-Time Exceptional Expense Policy: Thill described the State's policy and practice regarding use of un-spent COP-W dollars. The state has a small amount of un-spent money from 2003. Counties can apply for individuals needing a one-time item or service costing a minimum of $1,000 with a limit per county of $50,000 per year. Local planning committees must approve these requests. Wanless moved to approve request, seconded by Irwin to approve the 2 COP High Cost requests that were submitted by Sauk County Department of Human Services. One Request was for a transfer device for a developmentally disabled child and one request was to fund a Social Worker position for the new Children's Waiver Program. These were already submitted to the State and approved. The Long Term Support Planning Committee voted unanimously to accept these requests.

Training Dates: Thill discussed possible training dates in August and solicited ideas from the group. We will look at training in August 2004.

Public Comment: None.

Next Meeting:

Adjournment: Jeffers moved to adjourn meeting, Wanless seconded motion, motion carried unanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Hebel, LTS Supervisor