Long Term Support Committee

Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Sauk County Department of Human Services
425 Sixth Street
Reedsburg, WI 53959

Members Present: John Earl, Gina Thill, Carol Jeffers, Marie Wanless, Harold Janechek, Lisa Fossedal, Sue Hebel, Amy Peterson, Carie Pieper

Members Absent: Betty Irwin, Bert Vaillancort, Charlotte Taylor, Al Dippel, Mary Brown

Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: John Earl called meeting to order and certified compliance with open meeting law. Al Dippel motioned to call meeting to order, seconded by Marie Wanless.

Adopt Agenda:
Harold Janechek moved and Marie Wanless seconded to accept agenda.

Approval of September 8, 2004 Meeting Minutes:
Carol Jeffers made motion to accept minutes of 09/08/04. Harold Janechek seconded,Motion carried.

No Direct Payment Policy Revision:
Sue Hebel indicated that Todd Liebman, Sauk County's Corporation Counsel, reviewed and approved the No Direct Payment Policy. The committee discussed situations that may warrant their approval of care providers when COP or waiver funds are paying through the Fiscal Agent program. Care providers who have significant driving violations, poor criminal background, or who aren't qualified to provide the necessary care are examples that would be reviewed by the committee. Teh committee asked that Hebel prepare a report of all providers who are paid directly via the Fiscal Agent program or by other programs. There was agreement that the Long Term Support Planning Committee would review questions and concerns related to directly paid care providers.

Judy Zitske, Bureau of Aging and Long Term Care Resources, State of Wisconsin:
Judy Zitske provided an excellent training on the history of long term care programs in the State of Wisconsin. She described care for the elderly, physically disabled, and developmentally disabled starting in the late 1800's and spanning through mid and late 1900's. She explained the evolution from institutional to community care and the history of the Community Options Programs.

"All You Can Learn" Conference:
Gina Thill confirmed those who are attending the State Long Term Support conference in Wisconsin Dells on October 18, 19, and 20th.

Public Comment:
Gina Thill requested committee members to view Maple Ridge CBRF in Reedsburg. This facility is a potential new contract for 2005. Thill will arrange this tour with the CBRF and committee members.

Adjournment: Harold Janechek moved to adjourn meeting. Carrie Pieper seconded motion; motion carried unanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Hebel, Long Term Support Supervisor