Management Information Systems Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: February 11, 2004

The MIS Committee was called to order at 5p.m., Wednesday, February 11, 2004. Members present were: Netzinger, Stoeckmann, Wenzel and White. Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by White, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve last month's committee minutes by Netzinger, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Communications - None. Wenzel asked Pate for an update on Communications Infrastructure Committee meeting. Pate explained that they went over tower contracts.

Policy for posting Artists Registry - Criteria has been established. Artists can apply and the application goes to the Arts & Humanities Committee for approval. There will be no direct advertising. Wenzel asked about the openness of the selection process. The Arts & Humanities Committee has final say on what gets posted. Pate asked for authorization of posting of artwork to website per the guidelines of Arts & Humanities policy. Motion to approve by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Donation of Used Equipment - Hendee looked into what other counties are doing. Pate recommends that this be done by application for non-profit or government agencies. Discussion followed.

2003 Projects & Budget - Pate handed out an outline of projects that are complete, in process or pending.

MIS Dept. Update - Pate mentioned move of offices, furniture issues.
Tri-Min software installed in Register of Deeds
Pate will be attending HCC Committee meeting in March
EWISACWIS - total Internet based system not working well, state Helpdesk said "bugs" will be worked out by 2008
Help call volume steady

Motion to approve vouchers by Stoeckmann, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for March 10, at 5:15p.m.

Motion to adjourn by White, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Rose White, Secretary