Management Information Systems Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: April 14, 2004

The MIS Committee was called to order at 5:15p.m., Wednesday, April 14, 2004. Members present were: Stoeckmann, Netzinger and White. Guest: Fults. Meeting called to order by Stoeckmann. Motion to adopt agenda by Netzinger, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve last month's committee minutes by White, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Communications - None.

Consideration of Resolution for Contract with AT&T - Pate explained the resolution and why it is needed. Would save the County 100's of $ a month. Now that Sauk County has a contract with Wiscnet, it would be possible to lease lines from AT&T. Motion to approve by Netzinger, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

MIS Annual Report - Pate explained how the annual report is to be viewed, as a list of accomplishments for each dept. of the previous year. Pate would like feedback from committee on the list for MIS accomplishments.

Discussion of Communications Infrastructure Committee - Pate talked about their last meeting. Tower sites need to be added. The cost of project totals between $4,500,000 - $6,000,000. The option to go with fiber optic versus microwave is being considered.

MIS Dept. Update -

Motion to approve vouchers made by White, seconded by Netziner. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for May 12, at 3:00p.m.

Motion to adjourn by White, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary