Management Information Systems Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 11, 2004

The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 11, 2004. Members present were: Stoeckmann, Netzinger, Gaalswyk, Krueger and White. Meeting called to order by Stoeckmann.

Motion to adopt agenda by White, seconded by Gaalswyk. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Motion to adopt minutes from the July meeting by Gaalswyk, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Communications - None.

Configuration of email accounts for Supervisors - Pate explained the process of setting up email accounts through the County. Krueger believes it would be a benefit to the County and discussed the advantages. Discussion followed regarding options. Netzinger believes this idea should be presented to the Board. Pate suggested going to the E&L Committee, then possibly drafting a resolution to present to the County Board.

Issues related to posting Minutes to Website - Pate explained how some committees are not sending their Agendas and Minutes to the webliaison for posting. Krueger suggested that the Board Chair issue a memo to Board on this. Motion by Gaalswyk that Chairman send memo to all committees stating that all agendas be sent to webliaison as soon as they are drafted, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.Pate explained that Minutes are being posted whether approved or not. Fine with committee as long as the Minutes reflect that with a "draft" statement. Pate also advised the committee that the MIS Dept. would more actively solicit these items from each committee.

Review of 2005 Budget - Pate explained handout which outlined "Line Item Requests". Discussion followed. Motion to present budget by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.

MIS Dept. Update -

Motion to approve vouchers by White, seconded by Gaalswyk. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for September 7th, at 5p.m.

Motion to adjourn by Netzinger, seconded by Gaalswyk. Agreed on by committee. Meeting adjourned.

Rose White, Secretary