Personnel Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, February 13, 2004


ATTENDANCE: Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, J. Stoeckmann,, A. Lombard. S. Alexander

Others Present: M. Koehler, K. Beghin, J. Briggs, K. Pope, C. Jeffers, K. Cady, G. Wiegand,

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 1:37 p.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by S. Alexander, second by J. Stoeckmann, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by A. Lombard, second by C. Montgomery, to approve the January 2004, minutes of the Personnel Committee as mailed.
Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: M. Koehler read a letter she had received from Human Services Director, Kendall Cady announcing his retirement effective June 30, 2004. Mr. Cady began his employment with Sauk County in 1971.

COMMISSION ON AGING: C. Jeffers, Director of the Commission on Aging presented a resolution and requested the Committee's support in authorizing a reduction in hours for the position of Program Assistant due to budget short falls. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Meister to support the Commission on Aging resolution changing the Program Assistant position from full-time to part-time. (Actual hourly reduction would be 5 hours per week.)
Motion Carried.

HUMAN SERVICES: Discussion continued from the previous meeting regarding a request to discuss the viability and ramifications of the temporary telecommuting policy.

Human Services Director K. Cady, requested permission for a project position two days a week in the CAP (Community Access Program). Cady explained the position was needed as a result of the resignation by Ms. C. Couillard. Ms. Couillard would continue to work for Human Services in the project position until a her former position could be refilled. Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by S. Alexander to authorize a two (2) day per week project position until a new Supervisor of the CAP Unit is hired.
Motion carried.


M. Koehler presented a resolution to the Committee commending Betty Oscarson for more than twenty (20) years of service to Sauk County at the time of her retirement. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to approve the resolution to the County Board.
Motion carried.

RECEPTIONIST POSITION: M. Koehler explained to the Committee that because the January resolution to reinstate the receptionist position at a half time equivalent had failed to pass, by Ordinance it is then automatically referred back to the Personnel Committee for further action. Motion by A. Lombard, second by S. Alexander to rescind the January Personnel Committee action to reinstate the receptionist position at a half time equivalent due to lack of funding. A roll call vote was taken. Meister - aye, Montgomery - aye, Lombard - aye, Alexander - aye, Stoeckmann - no. Motion carried.

M. Koehler provided the Committee with a summary of the Personnel Department activities for the past month.

K. Pope presented a report of the Personnel activities for the past month at the Health Care Center.

K. Pope also provided a report on overtime utilization at the Health Care Center as requested previously by Supervisor J. Stoeckmann. Pope explained the report represented December 2003 figures so utilization may appear higher than average as a result of the holidays.

Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by A. Lombard to approve the payment of vouchers for the amount of $ 9,308.66.
Motion carried.

Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by S. Alexander to adjourn the meeting until the 1:30 p.m., March 12, 2004.
Motion carried

The meeting adjourned.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Judith Stoeckmann - Secretary