Personnel Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, March 12, 2004



Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, A. Lombard, S. Alexander

Others Present: M. Koehler, K. Beghin, J. Briggs, K. Pope, W. Moberly, K. Olstadt, R. Volk, J. Leeke, J. Zuelke P. Negast, T. Vandre, T. Liebman, C. Jeffers, R. Shanks and H. Durst, J. Leys, D. Zeller, K. Evenson, S. Ethun, K. Cady, T. Stieve, and L. Crisman.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery, to approve the February 2004, minutes of the Personnel Committee as mailed.
Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: M. Koehler notified the Committee she had received notice from Personnel Benefit Specialist, Kathy Huebing of her retirement effective June 4, 2004.

Deputy L. Crisman approached the Committee to request consideration of allowing employees the opportunity to purchase health insurance after retirement without sick leave conversion. Deputy Crisman was directed to speak with her union representative since this was a matter for negotiations.

GRIEVANCES: Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to enter into closed session pursuant to Wis Stat. 19.85(1)(e) to hear AFSCME #3148 Employee Disciplinary, WPPA/Leer Clerical Unit Reduction in Hours, WPPA/Leer Clerical Unit Employee Layoff, and SEIU-U.P. 1195W Employee Recall Grievances. Closed session to include M. Koehler, K. Pope, J. Briggs, and individuals with a vested interest to the specific grievance, being allowed to remain for AFSCME- W. Moberly, K. Olstadt, R. Volk, J. Leeke and J. Zuelke, for WPPA/Leer - P. Negast, T. Vandre, T. Liebman, C. Jeffers, R. Shanks and H. Durst, for SEIU-UP - J. Leys, D. Zeller, K. Evenson, S. Ethun and K. Cady.

Roll call vote was taken: Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Lombard- Aye, Alexander - Aye.
Motion carried.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to reconvene in open session.
Motion carried.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by C. Montgomery to deny AFSCME #3148 Employee Disciplinary grievance.
Motion carried.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to table until a joint meeting of Finance and the Commission on Aging can be held to review the Commission on Aging 2004 budget.

Motion by T. Meister, second by C. Montgomery to deny WPPA/Leer Clerical Unit Employee Layoff grievance.
Motion Carried

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard, to deny SEIU-U.P. 1195W Employee Recall grievance.
Motion Carried.

HUMAN SERVICES: K. Cady, Director of Human Services discussed a new Autism and Children's Waiver Program and possible restructure of the Community Access and Long Term Support Programs as a result of the new waiver program and the resignation of the Community Access Supervisor. Cady explained rather than refilling the supervisory position, he would like to try an 18-month pilot program where the units would be combined with three (3) employees (social workers) being assigned additional oversight duties and receiving leadworker pay as provided for in the United Professional bargaining agreement. The current Long Term Support Supervisor would be the supervisor of the new combined unit. The restructure would also include a request for an additional social worker project position to provide the service for the new Autism and Children's Waiver Program and that if the funding was reduced the position could be also, the entire pilot project would be for 18 months. Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery to authorize the restructure as presented by Director Cady and approved by the Human Services Board.
Motion carried.

A resolution was presented on behalf of the Human Services board requesting the elimination of one full time social worker and creating one full-time psychiatric registered nurse in the Community Support Program. Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery to support the resolution. Motion carried.

K. Cady also requested authorization for utilizing a supported work employee two hours a week to do shredding and light custodial duties for the Human Services Department. Discussion followed as to how and who was currently performing these duties in Human Services and in other departments and buildings.Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to deny the request at this time.
Motion carried.

COMMISSION ON AGING: As a result of the County Board voting down the resolution in February to reduce the hours for the clerical position in Commission on Aging, by Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances it is referred back to the Personnel Committee. No action was taken at this time.

HIGHWAY: Due to retirements occurring within the Highway Department, S. Muchow, Highway Commissioner would like to offer internal promotions in accordance with the Sauk County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13. Both of the individuals being considered have served capable and very familiar with the positions they would be offered. The first promotion would be Mr. Gary Kelly to the position of Grade Foreman beginning April 1, 2004. Motion by T. Meister, second by C. Montgomery to authorize the promotion.
Motion carried.

The second promotion would be Mr. Anthony Rhoades to the position of Shop Supervisor beginning June 2, 2004. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to authorize the promotion.
Motion carried.

EMBS: T. Stieve, EMBS Administrator appeared before the Committee to request a market adjustment of the Communication Technician position from grade 14 step 4. Mr. Stieve suggested in light of the large savings the County has already experienced and the desire to retain an experienced employee the salary would be more commensurate at grade 16 of the Non represented employees pay matrix. Motion by T. Meister, second by C. Montgomery to approve a market adjustment for the Communication Technician to grade 16, step 1 effective April 14, 2004.
Motion carried.


M. Koehler provided the Committee with a summary of the Personnel Department budget for 2003 and a request to carryover $38,939.00 from 2003 to 2004 to be used for mandated trainings, office equipment and consultant fees. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to approve the request for carryover.
Motion carried.
activities for the past month.

M. Koehler presented a report of the the Personnel activities for the past month in the main office and K. Pope presented a report of the Personnel activities for the past month at the Health Care Center.

Motion by Meister, second by A. Lombard to approve payment of the monthly vouchers in the amount of $2,206.00K.
Motion carried.

Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to adjourn the meeting and reconvene on April 16, 2004 at 8:30 a.m..
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Charles Montgomery, Vice-Chair