Personnel Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, April 16, 2004

ATTENDANCE: Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, A. Lombard, S. Alexander

Others Present: M. Koehler, K. Beghin, J. Briggs, K. Pope, D. Bratsett

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard, to adopt the amended agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by A. Lombard, second by C. Montgomery, to approve the March 2004, minutes of the Personnel Committee as mailed.
Motion carried.


GRIEVANCES: WPPA/Leer Clerical Unit Reduction in Hours: M. Koehler reminded the Committee this greivance was heard at the March meeting, however it a decision was tabled until a joint meeting of Finance and Commission on Aging could be held. A joint meeting was held on April 13, 2004, at which time the Finance Committee reinstated funding to cover the full time hours to the position. Chairperson Meister requested the Personnel Director to notify the union of the reinstatement.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to enter in to Closed session to include M. Koehler, K. Pope, J. Briggs pursuant to Wis Stat. 19.85(1)(c). A roll call vote was taken. Meister- Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Lombard- Aye, Alexander - Aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to reconvene in open session.
Motion carried.

HUMAN SERVICES: D. Bratsett, Deputy Director of Human Services discussed the results of of a State review of the Community Support Program. It was the State's opinion that due to the number of clients seen it would be beneficial to split the program and create an additional supervisory position. Unit Supervisor S. Ethun believes the same objective could be achieved by appointing a leadworker from one of the current social workers. It is the opinion of Human Services Administration that a leadworker would be more cost effficient, provide the additional daily supervision without needlessly creating a new management position. Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery to authorize a leadworker position.
Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEALTH : The Public Health Director has requested a Limited Term Employee to work in excess of six months. The employee would be needed to cover a temporary vacancy created by another nurse being called up to active military duty. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to authorize an LTE Registered Nurse for a duration of at least six months.
Motion carried.

SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Due to retirements occurring within the Sheriff's Department, R. Stammen, Sauk County Sheriff would like to offer internal promotions in accordance with the Sauk County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13. Sgt. Mike Stoddard to the position of Field Services Lieutenant, effective July 3, 2004. The second promotion would be Aaron Kirby to the position of Field Services Sgt. Effective July 4, 2004. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Meister to authorize the promotions.
Motion carried.


M. Koehler noted that it will be necessary for the Committee to establish the salaries of the County's elected officials at a joint meeting with the Finance Committee. To assist with that Koehler provided the Committee with information about the current consumer price index and other counties cost of living increases for 2005/2006. Koehler noted that a limited number of counties have established 2005/2006 elected officials salaries at this time. It will require a joint Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to approve the request for carryover.
Motion carried.

M. Koehler presented a report of the the Personnel activities for the past month in the main office, discussed staffing issues within the Personnel Office. Due to the upcoming retirement occurring within the Department, M. Koehler, would like to offer internal promotion in accordance with the Sauk County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13, to Mary Jane Szweda, Administrative Support, Relief to the position of Benefit Specialist effective June 7, 2004. Ms. Szweda holds a BA in Accounting, is familiar with all of the County Departments and employees, all of which are assets in the Benefit Specialist position. Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to authorize the promotion. Motion carried.

Motion by Meister, second by A. Lombard to approve payment of the monthly vouchers in the amount of $1,180.57.
Motion carried.

Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to adjourn the meeting and reconvene in May 2004 at 8:30 a.m..
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Signed by: Charles Montgomery, Vice-Chair