DATE: Friday, October 8, 2004 - Room 213
ATTENDANCE: Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, P. Tollaksen, S. Alexander,
Members Absent: T. Bychinski
Others Present: G. Wiegand, M. Koehler, J. Briggs, K. Pope, K. Beghin, O. Coller, M. Hafemann
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.
AGENDA: Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery, to approve the September - 2004, minutes of the Personnel Committee with the following correction: "Motion by P. Tollaksen, >S. Alexander, second by T. Meister T.Bychinksi to approve payment of the monthly vouchers..." Motion Carried.
Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: M. Koehler informed the Committee of letter written by R. Rosenbaum requesting the Personnel Committee to waive the timelines for the 100% sick leave conversion due to extenuating circumstances. No action was taken.
M. Hafemann and O. Coller requested approval of an LTE position to complete the required policies and procedures needed for the new jail facility. It was explained that the transition team's responsibilities had been completed and the policies and procedures were now at the point of final draft and formatting. G. Wiegand questioned why this work was not yet completed. Hafemann explained that previously the work was being done while employees worked on a variety of other tasks, if the LTE were approved, the only job responsibility would be the completion of the Policy and Procedure manual. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by C. Montgomery to authorize an LTE for 180 days or less, beginning Monday, October 11,2004 at grade 13. Motion carried.
M. Koehler presented a request made by W. Orth, Human Services Director, to provide an adjustment in the compensation of the Long Term Support Supervisor after the restructure within the unit and adding the responsibilities of the CAP program. Discussion followed. Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery to approve reclassification to Grade 16, step 6, retroactive to April 9, 2004. Motion carried.
M. Koehler provided the Committee of additional information received from Dean Health. A resolution will be forthcoming for presentation to the County Board at the October meeting. M. Koehler informed the Committee of Personnel activities within the Department for the past month.
K. Pope asked the Committee to consider a market adjustment for the Staff Development Coordinator position. Prior to the August market adjustment for the Health Care Center nursing staff this position had been a pay grade higher than nursing staff. At the August Personnel Committee meeting it was approved to move the nurses from pay grade 11 to grade 13, and also providing a $1.00 an hour increase in the nursing supervisor shift differential. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by C. Montgomery to approve a market adjustment for the Staff Development Coordinator from grade 12 to grade 14, retroactive to August 30, 2004. Motion carried.
K. Pope then provided an update to the HCC personnel activities for the past month.
Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Meister to approve payment of the monthly vouchers in the amount of $4,213.41. Motion carried.
Motion by C. Montgomery, second by P. Tollaksen to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Thursday, November 4, 2004, at 8:30 a.m.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Peter Tollaksen, Secretary