Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Place: ETN Room
Present: Earl, Kriegl, Haugen, White, Schlender, Clement
Absent: Midthun
Also Present: Muhlenbeck, Konkel, Bodendein, Smidl, Chad Hendee
Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Earl and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Kriegl to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Moved by White, seconded by Schlender to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2004 meeting.
Motion carried.
There were no communications
There were no business items.
1.) Because Smidl was present it was decided to go to item "c:. Smidl explained to the Board that the present dietetic technician position job description no longer covered the job responsibilities. There was only one school in Wisconsin (Milwaukee area) that produced dietetic technicians. All of the other schools discontinued their programs. The present dietetic positions does mostly diet counseling which requires at least a BSN in dietetics. Smidl is asking to develop a job description that requires a BSN in dietetics and eliminate the present job description of a dietetic technician which is a two year course. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Clement to eliminate the present job of dietetic technician and develop a new job description for a dietician with a BSN requirement. Motion carried.
2.) Moved by Haugen, seconded by Kriegl to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
3.) Moved by White, seconded by Clement to approve the October vouchers totaling $31,203.00. Motion carried.
4.) Appearance by Chad Hendee, Assistant Corp. Counsel. Hendee explained the need to have a "Wild and Dangerous" animal ordinance in Sauk County. Considerable discussion followed. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to approve creating a "Wild and Dangerous" Animal Ordinance. Motion carried.
5.) Muhlenbeck discussed the Public Hearing for the Agents of the State for Licensed Establishment Inspections. The Public Hearing will be on 11/17/04 at 6p.m. in Rm. A4 at UW Baraboo Campus. Board felt that this meeting should again be just a listening session.
6.) Muhlenbeck informed the Board that we will be holding two more Influenza Clinics. We still have approximately 700 doses and there are 2 areas, Reedsburg and Sauk City that seem to be short on influenza doses.
7.) To date, Sauk County has 22 pertussis cases.
8.) Muhlenbeck informed the Board that two public health nurse positions have been filled and one home health aide. Muhlenbeck also informed the Board that we now have another opening for a public health nurse.
9.) Haugen gave a legislative update.
Next Board of Health meeting is set for December 8, at 6pm, 2004.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary