Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Place: ETN Room
Present: Earl, Haugen, White, Schlender, Midthun
Absent: Clement, Kriegl
Also Present: Muhlenbeck, Konkel, Bodendein, Lally
Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Earl and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2004 meeting with a change under "Departmental Updates", section "1", third line to read "There was only one school in Wisconsin..... "
Motion carried.
Muhlenbeck handed out to the Board, "Wisconsin Epi Express, November 18, 2004" and the article entitled "The Plague that won't go away".
There were no business items.
1.) Moved by Haugen, seconded by Midthun to accept the monthly reports. Motion carried.
2.) Moved by White, seconded by Schlender to approve the November vouchers totaling $31, 983.02. Motion carried.
3.) Lally, Environmental Health Specialist, addressed the Board and talked about Radon and Hoarding. Much discussion followed.
4.) Considerable discussion regarding Sauk County becoming "Agents of the State for Licensed Establishment Inspections." It was decided that since at the June Board of Health, the Board voted to take a resolution to the County Board for approval after public hearings were conducted. It was the feeling of the Board, that the public hearings were beneficial and that there was information received that should be included in the resolution or ordinance. Three of the items were: a) Make it clear that there would be no educational programs presented for a fee. The Restaurant Association will be organizing these. If the County were to offer inservices they would be informational and free to the public. b) An advisory Board, made up of licensed establishments, be formed to advise the Health Department and Board of Health regarding issues that arise. c) Be sure that it is clear that the license fees are only used for this program. The Board will look over their notes and bring any other suggestions to the Corp. Counsel for incorporation into the draft ordinances. The goal is to get the resolution and ordinance to the County Board in February.
5.) Muhlenbeck informed the Board that we have about 400 doses left, however the State just issued a change in those eligible for the influenza vaccine. It is now extended to 50-64 year olds.
6.) Muhlenbeck informed the Board that as of this week, we have 24 cases of pertussis.
7.) Haugen gave the Board a WALDA/legislative report.
Next Board of Health meeting is set for January 12, at 6pm, 2005.
Moved by White, seconded by Midthun to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary