Property & Insurance Committee

DATE: Monday, March 8th, 2004
9:00 am
C-04 EOC Meeting Room
Sauk County Courthouse
510 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting.
  4. Communications
    1. Request by City of Baraboo to use West Square parking Lot for July 4th parade for disabled
      parking spaces.
    2. Request of the Baraboo Area Senior Center to sell pizza and pop at all Concerts on the Square.
  5. Business items
    1. Treasurer. - nothing this month
    2. Sauk County Parks Director - Steve Koenig regarding back tax property in the township of Dellona.
    3. Appearance by Scott Alexander - Chair Human Services Board regarding cut in Cleaning Services.
    4. Land Conservation Director - Joe Van Berkel regarding consider cooperative Fish Habitat Agreement with DNR on property purchased through White Mound Rehabilitation Project.
  6. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
    1. Monthly Report
    2. Review and Approval of Deductibles
    3. Consider resolution on Nursing Home Liability/Professional Liability Insurance for Health Care Center.
  7. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)
    1. . Monthly Report
    2. Review and Approval of Vouchers
    3. Discussion of Communication Technician Position JDQ
    4. Review Room Use and Courthouse Lawn/Park Policies.
  8. Next Meeting.
  9. Adjournment.

COPIES TO: Giebel Hartje Volz Dippel Zowin Stieve Gruber Crowley Co Clerk Liebman Wiegand News Media Internet Stammen VanBerkel Koenig

DATE NOTICE MAILED: March 3rd, 2004

PREPARED BY: Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Department