Property & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 9, 2004

  1. Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Larry Volz, Al Dippel, Marty Krueger
  2. Members Absent: Katherine Zowin
  3. Others Present: Tim Stieve, Cynthia Engelhardt, Carl Gruber, Gene Wiegand, Marv Giebel
    Meeting called to order by Hartje at 9:00 a.m. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
    Adopt agenda: Motion by Dippel, second by Volz, to approve agenda.

    Adopt minutes: Motion by Volz, second by Dippel, to approve last month's minutes.
  4. Communications -
    Wiegand received a letter from a resident complimenting the flower planters around the square, which he will read to the Board next week.
    Wiegand received a letter from Elite Catering requesting selling weekly lunches to County employees. Motion by Krueger to approve. Motion died due to lack of a second.
  5. Business Items
    1. Treasurer - nothing to report
  6. Departmental Updates - Carl Gruber, Risk Management
    1. Meeting with St. Clare Director on advisory committee; Fit tested respirators at Highway; Worked on slip problems with the jail shower and will be discussing footwear requirements soon; Ordered safety supplies; Handed out new safety manuals to various departments; Answered liability questions of transporting clients and children in employees' vehicles, and Gruber will be following up on this with Bill Orth; Worked on 11 workers comp cases; Worked on 3 open liability cases; Attended HCC Safety Committee meeting; Met with Michelle Wolfe of Public Health on respiratory standards for TB; Met with Dan Brattset & Bill Orth on some HS concerns; Worked on a parks problem dealing with employees cleaning traps; Met with Dept. of Commerce on some of the new regulations in effect; Set up auction for County for Sept. 10 at the West Baraboo garage; Met with Corp Counsel for Iron County on our safety program and had another request from Columbia County.
    2. Review & approval of deductibles - No deductibles this month. Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve monthly report.
  7. Departmental Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
    1. Spent approximately 19 hours on phone problems, additions and changes; Working on replacement of boilers at the LEC, which are still under warranty and only shipping charges will be incurred; Started preparing for heating season.
    2. Review and approval of vouchers - Motion by Krueger, second by Dippel to approve vouchers totalling $83,890.23.
    3. Review and approval of 2005 budget -Stieve reviewed the budget with the Committee. There was discussion on the heating/cooling bills for the LEC which Stieve will be looking at closer and Krueger suggested using a non-lapsing budget for the utilities, and possibly for certain other expenses. Stieve will check on this with the Controller. Motion by Hartje, second by Krueger to approve the budget.
    4. Follow-up discussion of the LEC storm water retention pond - Stieve talked with the City Engineer who has received no complaints and felt there is nothing wrong with the pond. He also talked with Joe Van Berkel of Land Conservation about possibly doing natural plantings. Both Land and the City Engineer agree that a rubber liner or rocks cannot be put into the pond. Building Services will try and take care of cleaning up the pond themselves.
  8. Next Meeting: Monday, September 13, 2004 at 9:00 a.m.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Motion by Krueger, second by Volz.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt

Date Submitted: August 9, 2004